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Messages - riddler

I voted
Who says brains can't be read?

Forever has a lot of flaws but I bet that it's the one bat film where a kid, parent, and grandparent can watch and enjoy. Batman and Robin is too childish, the other 4 are very adult oriented, Forever has a bit for everyone. It lightens things up but still has elements of darkness. It may also be the movie which features the most of Batman.
Misc. Burton / Re: The Villains - Your Verdict
Wed, 26 May 2010, 20:37
Jack Nicholson's Joker
Probably the scariest villain in the sense that he made the character unpredictable

Danny Devito's Penguin
DeVito did a good job but the character just seemed too implausable.

Michelle Pfeiffer's Catowman
played the anti-hero role strongly. This was a difficult character because of how much she changes with her accident. Very good in the revival scene

Tommy Lee Jones Two face
Love the actor but hated him in this film. Two face is supposed to be a dark nd tortured character, instead he played it like the Joker

Jim Carrey's Riddler
There's different ways to portray the riddler, this one was a fun one. Carrey enjoyed torturing Bruce Wayne and went all out

Arnold Scwarzeneggers Mr. Freeze
Silly role, Arnie had fun with it. But like Two face, the character is supposed to be a tragic villain and went overboard in the silliness

Uma Thurman's Poison Ivy
Did decent with the character I guess, not an overly memorable one but did cause a rift between the 2 heroes.

Not much to say, poorly portrayed

Liam Neeson's Ras Al Ghul
Extremely well acted but Neeson is not a strong physical actor

Cillian Murphy's Scarecrow
A very sinister villain and did pull off the dual role well

Heath Leger's Joker
Only complaint is his invincibility but easily the best villain yet

Aaron Eckhart's Two face
Got the role perfectly as a tragic  villain. Probably the second best villain yet and too bad he was overshadowed by the Joker because in his own movie, could have stolen the show.
20 years of Batman Returns / Re: your take
Wed, 26 May 2010, 20:28
Batman returns is the first batmovie I ever owned. I was 9 when it came out and got it for christmas. I loved it. I gave it to my cousin around 1997.

I bought it again around 2006 on DVD and obviously saw it under a different light. I loved the whole gothic tone and IMO to this day remains the only successful superhero horror film (ghost rider tries but not that successful). I just love the characters Bruce, the Penguin, Shreck, and Selina and how they all have special relationships with each other. Batman particularily has a connection with them all on different levels; he and Shreck are business rivals, Selina being the love interest and bachlorette counterpart, the Penguin also losing his parents at an early age.

This film really got you rooting for Batman, seeing the Penguin frame him and then Batman returning the favour.

I find it an intersting change from the first film- the first one was more like the old school crime gangster films, this was more Burtonesque.

No matter what new Bat films come out, this one will always have a special place.
Batman Returns (1992) / Re: happy birthday!
Fri, 30 Apr 2010, 03:39
Quote from: Catwoman on Thu, 29 Apr  2010, 20:21

i hope i look as good at 52 as she does.

Bet you'll look better
I'd commit random crimes leaving a riddle for my next crime at each one and see how long it takes someone to outsmart me.
I am playing it for the PS3. How is the joker game play (playing as the joker)
Arkhamverse Video Games / Re: Arkham Asylum 2
Thu, 22 Apr 2010, 16:13
I'm sure if the creators read anything from message boards (and I'm sure they do, they got the first game nearly perfectly), they'll know to use Robin seriously. The first game was awesome and particularily due to the dark tone, a silly Burt Ward/Chris O'Donnell robin would have ruined it. Robin can definitely be done dark as well, we just haven't seen it on screen aside from some brief scenes in batman forever. He's handled well in the animated show isn't he? Seems they used that as quite a bit of inspiration.

I'm just under halfway through the first game (beat Bane, played some arkham levels) and thoroughly enjoying it.
I'd sabotage Bruce Wayne and see how smart he truly is.
Marlon was signed for 2 films. Apparently Burton did not want to use the dick grayson mantle and have him named Robin. In the DVD he indicates that even as it was, there was too many characters and not enough Batman and robin would have convluded that.