BTAS storyboards

Started by The Laughing Fish, Fri, 19 Nov 2021, 10:13

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Somebody uploaded these videos containing storyboard sequences for the episodes I Am The Night and Terror in the Sky. Both videos are only halfway through each episode, but it seems they haven't uploaded the rest yet. If I find them, or other storyboard sequences for other BTAS episodes, I'll post them here.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


I found a few more videos comparing storyboard sequences to the final animated product.

From MOTP, where Bruce dons the cowl for the first time.

Batgirl Returns

QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


Here are more storyboard sequences from a scene in the episode House and Garden.

Excuse the Greek dub, I couldn't find the English version of the scene online.

I would love to see the storyboard sequence of the scene where Batman is horrified to find the plant babies born from the pods later on in the episode.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


You gotta love how the storyboards for the show's opening was translated on screen so well. It's nearly identical.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


I love this storyboard drawn for the opening scene of Heart of Ice. Even though it's very simple to replicate in animation, I just appreciate the artistry. Mr Freeze's red eyes shining through the darkness make this poignant scene much more haunting. Only a creative animator could up such an image.

QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


Somebody uploaded videos of storyboards for the whole Penguin Mechanic episode. Once again, I love how the artwork is nearly identical to the final product.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.
