Started by Gotham Knight, Thu, 24 Mar 2022, 18:48

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Thu, 24 Mar 2022, 18:48 Last Edit: Thu, 24 Mar 2022, 18:50 by Gotham Knight
JOKER! For his 'anniversary.'


I liked it, very RED DRAGON, but I see why it was cut. It gives too much away and doesn't move us forward.

He looks very much like Bermejo's version.

I was hoping for a bit more of a classic look, as I'm getting a bit tired of the scarred mouth Joker, but it is what it is. We could kinda tell in the movie, so this was to be expected.

After watching it a couple of times, it just showcases to me how much I love Pattinson as Batman. He's so good in the role.

Hope we see more of Barry's Joker. Hell, I would like to see a comic about their first encounter.

Interesting way to film the scene. You don't see much of the Joker even when he fills the frame. It's strange to see The Dark Knight Returns, The Killing Joke, The Long Halloween and Arkham Asylum all riffed upon in one scene. But there it is.

Good scene. I think Barry looks more or less how I imagined him to be. And the way he's shot helps create an otherworldly mystery. Good balance. Deleting it was probably for the best though, in terms of pacing. But I'm glad we have it. I like the idea of keeping Joker locked up as a psychological advisor for the majority of his Reevesverse tenure. It seems natural for him to appear in the Arkham TV show at the very least.

It's a cool scene, but it definitely didn't need to be in the film. With the running time already pushing three hours, its excision shows good judgement on Reeves' part.


Very good foresight in editing this out from the theatrical cut.
"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Thu, 24 Mar  2022, 22:55
It's a cool scene, but it definitely didn't need to be in the film. With the running time already pushing three hours, its excision shows good judgement on Reeves' part.
I'd still like to see an edit which restores its place in the film at some point. I imagine it's earlier in the movie, after Riddler's first kill. I do think it's awesome how the scene simply has The Joker exist without making a big song and dance about things.

In the latest 'you can't some people ever any of the time' news:

I'm actually kind of shocked at the amount of negative responses. I expected conversation sure, but leave it to the Batman famdom to bring out everybody's inner 'weirdo.' There are people that are actively angry at this scene, a scene that, I remind you, IS NOT A PART OF THE FREAKING MOVIE! And you still have these whiny kvetching little nimrods losing their minds at it, and trying to sell it as part of why The Batman is terrible. And all of a sudden its 'why isn't this fun anymore!'

Here's a little ditty from our pal Max Landis:

Quote'As of today, our prayers have been answered!  I know if you're a big Batman fan like me, you've been waiting for the perfect version of the Joker:  One that isn't funny, makes no jokes, serves zero purpose in the plot, has no memorable dialogue, whose character design is elaborate but ultimately vague and who represents exactly zero coherent philosophical viewpoints.

That is the Joker we deserve, apparently, and it's terrifying to even comprehend the thinking behind the cut scene itself:

Why, EVER, in ANY VERSION OF BATMAN, would BATMAN go to JOKER as a reliable source of information?

The force continues to awaken.'

He compares it to Disney Star Wars because of course he does.

My response was measured and I think too kind:

QuoteI would argue that The Joker is the absence of philosophical purpose, a juxtaposition that contrasts the other villains whose malformations and motivations are grounded in relatability. The Joker has no discernible motivation, has no excuse. He is inexplicable, he was hatched, not born, unleashed, not revealed. The inability to define or defend him is what makes him terrifying.

I liked it a lot. And Batman going to The Joker for questioning is far from a new idea. So I don't know why some people are mad about it, especially since it's a deleted scene?

I also keep seeing people claim that Barry is doing an impression of Ledger, and I don't see or hear it, at all. The closest I can see, is sometimes a word with an 'S' could come across similar, but I think that has wayyyy more to do with the prosthetics and the restrictions on his mouth, more than him aping on Ledger's cadence, because when you actually hear Barry speak, he has slight Northern/New York accent to him. His voice sounds more adolescent than any Joker we've had before. I dunno, I just don't hear it with in comparison to Ledger. His laugh is also different.