Arkham City

Started by The Dark Knight, Sun, 13 Dec 2009, 09:44

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Quote from: Bobthegoon89 on Sun, 27 Jan  2013, 15:48
I've owned this game since Christmas 2011 and haven't yet played a frame of it. Am I truly in for something special as these critics say? Will have to try it out this week...

I actually think that Arkham Asylum has a better story and better story pacing, but it's not to say that "City" is any less awesome!
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

Thanks for posting, SilentEnigma. I think I spotted most of those when I played the game. But some of them – especially the ones relating to Harley's pregnancy – are completely new to me.

I wonder if Dini was planning to explore the Joker's offspring storyline more in the sequel.

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Tue, 29 Jan  2013, 21:07
I wonder if Dini was planning to explore the Joker's offspring storyline more in the sequel.
That's if they do a sequel. It's looking like it may be a prequel.


Quote"Riddle me this, Batman! Why, when box art gives readers their first impression of a game, do you bury your hero in text?" We're used to seeing Game of the Year editions of hit titles feature a couple quotes and accolades, but when Warner Bros. conceived the GOTY edition of Batman: Arkham City, the publisher seemed to forget they were selling Batman instead of game reviews.

"10 out of 10" displaces the logo. Batman's head is surrounded by abundant quotes that suggest the designer was paid by the word. A lengthy description of bonus content tears a bright red gash in the cover. Then, in an effort to obscure Batman just a little bit more, five more logos were added to the bottom. And Warner Bros. didn't even quote GamesRadar on the box, not that we're offended or anything. Oh well, at least this confusing mess inspired our Anti-Game of the Year box art feature.  #7

I hadn't played this game for the longest time, but that changed yesterday.

Of the three Rocksteady games I would place this at the top.

An aspect of City I really like is how it deals with Batman's mortality. In storytelling I'm always looking to place the hero or villain in a position of weakness while simultaneously being strong through sheer will and courage. The last hours of Batman's life are ticking away but he decides that saving innocents is more important than his own welfare. The Joker is also hours away from dying and he's desperately pulling out all the stops to survive.

When things start to get down to the wire, I find this a standout moment:

One vial left, no more can be made, and an armored heavy stands in the way while your condition weakens. It's a great scenario, and as tense as anything the best films in the franchise have offered.