Will the Snyder cut appear on HBO Max?

Started by The Laughing Fish, Fri, 7 Feb 2020, 10:52

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Quote from: thecolorsblend on Tue, 17 Mar  2020, 19:33
Considering the coronavirus craziness we're all living under right now, I can't imagine that the Snyder cut is coming any time soon.

Prove me wrong, WB. Please!

I'm revisiting this again. If we're lead to believe this blog, Snyder's cut is supposedly delayed by the pandemic.


This is the same blog that claimed Netflix made a bid to stream the film in the previous post I shared, as well as the same blog that highlighting Geoff Johns's mismanagement which Snyder liked on Vero.

It could be bullsh*t. I'm not a big fan of unnamed sources.

But now there's another speculation that Snyder had screened his cut to DC executives back in February.


Nonetheless, let's hope we see it sooner rather than later.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.

Source: http://books.google.com.au/books?id=uwV8rddtKRgC&pg=PR8&dq=But+he+does+wind+up+breaking+it.&hl=en&sa=X&ei

QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.

Source: http://books.google.com.au/books?id=uwV8rddtKRgC&pg=PR8&dq=But+he+does+wind+up+breaking+it.&hl=en&sa=X&ei

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Thu, 23 Apr  2020, 17:46
Something we should be aware of is that the Snyder cut definitely exists but it most likely isn't finished yet. It stands to reason that a lot of post-production still needs to be done. And it's completely reasonable that Snyder might want some reshoots.

All of that is to say that there could be a pretty hefty price tag with completing the film. And obviously, time is of the essence. Technically, the cast has probably already aged out. There will already be shaky continuity with the existing footage. But the time, logistics and money involved in this are major factors.

Thus, if anybody thinks this is a simple matter of streaming the Snyder cut, disappointment will be their only companion. The film still needs a lot of work, I would guess.

If the studio is biting, and if anything is going to be released (a documentary, a rough cut, or whatever Snyder has) I think it has to be RIGHT NOW in the midst of a once in a lifetime event, which is the shutdown of the entire world. I mean, how often does something like that happen? Otherwise the moment will have gone, and 'the powers that be' will move on and keep their forward focus, which they otherwise would've had. Countries are starting to open up and resume to some sense of normality. There's a demand for new content as there is a very short supply of it. Filming for 2021 movies has been put on hold. If anything happens, and hopefully it does, it would be a perfect storm of desperation and luck. But I'd take it.

Remember when all the wannabe expert talking heads on YouTube beclowned themselves saying the cut doesn't exist?


Tue, 19 May 2020, 03:34 #14 Last Edit: Tue, 19 May 2020, 03:37 by The Dark Knight
I don't know if these guys are reliable, but they claim:

Warner Bros did not want to ever release the film.
Something changed this week.
It could be people higher up than DC and Warner Bros who forced it - AT&T who owns the studio.

Chaos can bring opportunity. A global pandemic that results in a huge demand for stay at home streaming was probably one of the very few scenarios in which I could see this possibility raised, and even then it would be a borderline call. Otherwise I think SnyderLeague would be locked up forever. If it doesn't get announced soon I really feel the window is closed.

I'm not setting myself up for disappointment - I wouldn't be surprised if there's a twist in all this. Let's see what happens.


Quote from: The Dark Knight on Tue, 19 May  2020, 03:34
I don't know if these guys are reliable, but they claim:

Warner Bros did not want to ever release the film.
Something changed this week.
It could be people higher up than DC and Warner Bros who forced it - AT&T who owns the studio.

Chaos can bring opportunity. A global pandemic that results in a huge demand for stay at home streaming was probably one of the very few scenarios in which I could see this possibility raised, and even then it would be a borderline call. Otherwise I think SnyderLeague would be locked up forever. If it doesn't get announced soon I really feel the window is closed.

I'm not setting myself up for disappointment - I wouldn't be surprised if there's a twist in all this. Let's see what happens.

I don't know what else it could be except streaming. Theatrical release seems implausible right now and Blu-Ray seems even less likely.

I think you're right. I think the pandemic angle is the only explanation that makes sense based on what we know. All the studios are losing money hand over fist right now. AT&T could want to release the movie on the grounds that it's got a built-in audience with pent up demand. It's probably the closest thing to a safe bet they have right now. Releasing the Snyder cut may be the only thing they have that will generate any money right now.

I'll believe the Snyder cut is happening once an official announcement comes. But this seems like way too much smoke for there to be no fire.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Tue, 19 May  2020, 03:51
I think you're right. I think the pandemic angle is the only explanation that makes sense based on what we know. All the studios are losing money hand over fist right now. AT&T could want to release the movie on the grounds that it's got a built-in audience with pent up demand. It's probably the closest thing to a safe bet they have right now. Releasing the Snyder cut may be the only thing they have that will generate any money right now.

It makes the most sense. The world has stopped, meaning there isn't forward momentum with Pattinson's project or any live action project at the moment. We're all watching old content now, making it a moot point. But as said, things are starting to open up gradually, so if it's going to happen it would have to be soon. Before all the other wheels start moving towards the future again.

Tue, 19 May 2020, 04:25 #17 Last Edit: Tue, 19 May 2020, 04:40 by The Laughing Fish
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Tue, 19 May  2020, 03:51
I'll believe the Snyder cut is happening once an official announcement comes. But this seems like way too much smoke for there to be no fire.

If we're lead to believe the online chatter on Twitter, lots of people involved in the industry - including the dickhead bloggers who trashed the DCEU for the last couple of years - are speculating a deal to get the film out there is nearly done.

Like you, I'll see it to believe it. Because if this ordeal continues any further, and Warner won't address the situation at all...oh Jesus, they're really trying to hurt their brand.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.

Source: http://books.google.com.au/books?id=uwV8rddtKRgC&pg=PR8&dq=But+he+does+wind+up+breaking+it.&hl=en&sa=X&ei

Tue, 19 May 2020, 04:43 #18 Last Edit: Tue, 19 May 2020, 12:44 by thecolorsblend
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Tue, 19 May  2020, 03:59It makes the most sense. The world has stopped, meaning there isn't forward momentum with Pattinson's project or any live action project at the moment. We're all watching old content now, making it a moot point. But as said, things are starting to open up gradually, so if it's going to happen it would have to be soon. Before all the other wheels start moving towards the future again.
They do have some leeway. Coming back online necessarily has to be a gradual process. Esp with movie theaters.

Based on exactly nothing, I am betting that movie theaters will blow the dust off the box office by showing old catalog titles. It's just too risky to release new high budget blockbusters right now when nobody knows wtf the market even looks like right now. Whereas screening old stuff like existing MCU films or Harry Potter films or stuff like that is a lot safer. Showing proven hits with measurable fanbases might be the safest way to get things going again. Personally, I'd love to see the LOTR trilogy in theaters again.

I think it might be a full year before we start seeing exclusively new content being released to theaters. So there's room for AT&T/WB/DCE/whotfever to operate right now with little or no meaningful competition. But after May 2021, prospects like the Snyder cut become risky again. If they start the process right now, they can probably get the Snyder cut into some kind of shape where releasing it to streaming is a viable plan.

Quote from: The Laughing Fish on Tue, 19 May  2020, 04:25Because if this ordeal continues any further, and Warner won't address the situation at all...oh Jesus, they're really trying to hurt their brand.
That's the razor's edge with releasing the Snyder cut, I think. Because we fans are willing to accept a brokered peace if the Snyder cut is released in a form that's close enough to Snyder's vision to pass muster.

BUT. I think (again, this is based on nothing) that if the Snyder cut is released and is as big of a hackjob as Superman II: The Donner Cut, this really will be war. Because there will only be one Snyder cut. Nobody is getting a second bite at that apple. The Snyder cut can't be done on the cheap. Somebody will have to spend the money necessary to do the job right. If it has Arrowverse-caliber CGI, there will be no forgiveness and no peace.

Somebody involved with this process had better count the cost. Somebody had better be ready to kick everything that even resembles an ass with completing the movie. Because fans will suffer fools badly when it comes to the Snyder cut. Nothing less than amazing will be acceptable at this point.

We're in no mood to compromise. We did that once already; never again.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Tue, 19 May  2020, 04:43
But after May 2021, prospects like the Snyder cut become risky again. If they start the process right now, they can probably get the Snyder cut into some kind of shape where releasing it to streaming is a viable plan.

That definition of the 'soon' window is logical.