Alternate take (Batman Soundtrack)

Started by eledoremassis02, Fri, 10 Dec 2021, 05:47

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Listening to the Batman soundtrack and Keatons "I want you to tell all your friends about me" line seems to be from a different take? I can't 100% tell its him but it doesnt sounds like he's even doing the Batman voice

Quote from: eledoremassis02 on Fri, 10 Dec  2021, 05:47
Listening to the Batman soundtrack and Keatons "I want you to tell all your friends about me" line seems to be from a different take? I can't 100% tell its him but it doesnt sounds like he's even doing the Batman voice
That sounds reasonable, actually. Wikipedia says B89 shot from October 1988-February 1989. So, at the time that Prince was putting the finishing touches on the album, Burton probably didn't even have a rough cut of the movie yet. So, based on nothing, my guess is that Keaton rerecorded his line for the finished scene in B89. ADR is common in any number of films. So, it wouldn't be a big surprise if he rerecorded that line (and others).

But at the time the song was mixed (late 1988?), only the original production audio was available... which is what was used in the song. And obviously, it sounds pretty different from Keaton's rerecorded line reading.

I can't prove any of this. But that would be my guess.

Burton has commented on several occasions about how aggravating the merchandise and tie-in stuff was for the movies he made. He has implied that in spite of all the time that they had and all the money at their disposal, they just didn't have the resources to do everything as smoothly as they could've, which meant his work was intruded upon by tie-in partners and the like. Maybe this Prince thing is an example of what he was talking about?

It's not the only track from Prince's album that had a different take. If you listen to the 05:26 mark on Batdance, Keaton yells out "I'm going to kill you!" to the Joker, as opposed to saying it in a cold, semi-whispering manner in the movie.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.


Quote from: eledoremassis02 on Fri, 10 Dec  2021, 05:47
Listening to the Batman soundtrack and Keatons "I want you to tell all your friends about me" line seems to be from a different take? I can't 100% tell its him but it doesnt sounds like he's even doing the Batman voice
I think this was the sound of the scene when they shot it. In other words, I think Keaton re-dubbed these lines because I always though he sounded kinda deaf in the Batdance audio, which was the literal truth. The suit deafened him a great deal. He sounds very nasal.