Walmart Giant Comics

Started by Catwoman, Mon, 30 Jul 2018, 17:38

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Wondering if anyone else stateside has picked up any of the four Giant DC issues at Walmart. There's Batman, Justice League, Superman, and Teen Titans. They're 100 pages with diff stories printed in them (including one new original story in each) and will be released each month (starting next month it's Supes and JL the first week, then Batman and the Titans the third week). Only $4.99 apiece, I got the Batman and JL for this month, will probably get both again next month.

Here is an article I found about them:

Little late on this, but yes, I've been keeping up for the moment.

I only have 1 Wal-Mart participating with these, and the vendors evidently don't bother putting them out on the week of release. Which can work in my favor sometimes since it's not a Wal-Mart I go to frequently. Thought I missed out on Batman #3 / Teen Titans #3, since they had Superman #3, and Justice League #3, but evidently they are now going to be putting out 2 titles every 2 weeks rather than all 4 titles at once. Atleast that's how I understand it.

The prices on eBay are what is expected. You're pretty much going to pay double with the prices and shipping.

I hear a Flash title is to be added. Along with a Swamp Thing special sometime next year.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."