What's your favourite Bruce Wayne scene?

Started by The Laughing Fish, Sun, 19 Apr 2015, 00:45

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Favourite Bruce Wayne scene?

Bruce meeting Vicki in the armor room
4 (50%)
Bruce having dinner with Vicki
0 (0%)
Meeting Vicki at her apartment, unable to admit he's Batman
0 (0%)
"You wanna get nuts?! Come on! Let's get nuts!"
2 (25%)
Pondering in the Batcave as he is confronted by Vicki
2 (25%)
Other (state below)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 8

My favourite scene is when Bruce confronts Joker at Vicki's apartment. He tells Joker he knows "who he is" (as in Jack Napier), and then freaks out while telling a story about a guy he stood up against by shouting "LET'S GET NUTS" at the Joker. It always makes me laugh, in a good way.;D The crazed look in Bruce's face disappears as soon as the Joker says something that Bruce instantly recognizes before getting shot.

That scene, together with him exercising upside down, would have to be perfect examples of how unstable the guy secretly is.

What's your favourite Bruce scene?
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.

Source: http://books.google.com.au/books?id=uwV8rddtKRgC&pg=PR8&dq=But+he+does+wind+up+breaking+it.&hl=en&sa=X&ei

I've never seen an actor playing Batman to this day who can play anger as scarily as Keaton did in that moment. He's LOUD when he raises his voice.

But no Batman, apart from television's Adam West of course, has ever been quite so brilliant at bringing comedy to the screen in the character either. I think it's important to push drama into lighter areas as well as the darker aspects. These lighter moments of humor are actually my favorite Bruce moments. And their not exactly "broad strokes" either by any means.

For instance, it should really go in the other board, when his eyes widen in pain as Catwoman feels up his wounds in Batman Returns. I don't think you'd get an entertaining moment like that with Christian Bale. It wouldn't work at all. But anything is possible in the Tim Burton universe. Then you've got stuff like Alfred reluctantly waiting to pick up his glass in the party's casino room. Nice to see Bruce as a regular human who can be just a bit lazy in this case. He's not the all perfect, fully planned and focused Christian Bale incarnation.

I love the moody scene of Bruce placing flowers down at his parents murder site too. It's very strange to see Batman, out of the costume, wandering among Gotham citizens in the daytime. He looks just a bit spooky and weird in his classy clothes and dark shades. He feels like a total outsider.

There is also something slightly adult at Bruce coming on to a drunken Vicki on the staircase of Wayne Manor. He's not wasting any time here is he? lol I have always found it fascinating to hear him admit: "Hey one drink and I'm flying". This is the type of line Batman writer's would spit their tea out of their mouths hearing I expect. Whereas in Batman Begins we got a Bruce pretending to be drunk, here we have an incarnation who seems quite experienced with such a mood. The popular criticism I expect would be simply: Batman doesn't and shouldn't ever, ever get REALLY DRUNK! After all he's supposed to be the superbly focused man of intellect. I love however that there are tendencies in him to lose control. Not in a "slip to the dark side" kind of deal of aggression and carelessness that affects his crime fighting. In this case it's more the aspect that yes, believe it or not, Batman can and has had some "fun" in his life. It's not all doom and gloom as some would want you to believe since his parents got shot.

Sun, 19 Apr 2015, 02:56 #2 Last Edit: Sun, 19 Apr 2015, 03:02 by The Dark Knight
I voted for 'Bruce meeting Vicki in the armor room'.

It says a lot about Bruce in this movie, and his past. He has travelled the world and collected a host of different items.

At the start of the scene though, Bruce is walking around the party alone. Nobody knows what he looks like, and we hear Knox and Vicki muse about him just as we usually hear criminals speak about Batman.

When Bruce appears, he has the advantage. Knox doesn't know Bruce, but Bruce knows him. "I read your work, I like it a lot." When Bruce meets Vicki again, it's awkward given her "are you sure" line given Bruce must get nervous around beautiful women. And again, he knows all about her career, but she doesn't have a clue about his.

We see his version of the playboy routine, casually asking the waiter to open six bottles of champagne, which amuses both Knox and Vicki. When the topic of Batman arises, Bruce doesn't seem that interested and subtly changes the topic.

When Alfred enters, and Bruce has to leave immediately, it makes him appear odd. Particularly with Alfred's "I think perhaps this way, sir." It makes Bruce look scatterbrained, and perhaps needs his elderly butler to hold his hand. He needs directions to get around his own house.

"Oh, and give Knox a grant." This line is great, because when Knox said this earlier he was simply joking. But Bruce took the request seriously, and remembered it. And I guess shows that yes, Bruce is rich and can afford to throw money around.

Then we have Knox saying the rich can be so odd because they can afford to be. And perhaps it should be 'Bruce Vain' because of the mirror. Which we then see is far from the truth, with Bruce at work in the batcave, with Knox and Vicki being filmed without their knowledge. And Vicki is left intrigued and attracted by Bruce and his mysterious life.

Bruce and Vicki in the Batcave. I could watch that confrontation over and over. And the ominous "He's out there" line. Love it.

Plus it gave us Bruce and Alfred's wonderful exchange in Returns regarding security lol. "Oh hi Vick, come on in."   :D

Sun, 19 Apr 2015, 07:04 #4 Last Edit: Sun, 19 Apr 2015, 07:07 by The Laughing Fish
Quote from: Cobblepot4Mayor on Sun, 19 Apr  2015, 01:40
Then you've got stuff like Alfred reluctantly waiting to pick up his glass in the party's casino room. Nice to see Bruce as a regular human who can be just a bit lazy in this case. He's not the all perfect, fully planned and focused Christian Bale incarnation.

I'm not sure what you mean by that. "Perfect" and "focused" are definitely not words that I'd describe Bale's Bruce. Admittedly he might have a few plans here and there, but it's normally due to somebody else influencing or helping him. Besides, the fact the Coleman Reese found blueprints to the Tumbler is rather sloppy on Bruce and Fox's part.

Quote from: Cobblepot4Mayor on Sun, 19 Apr  2015, 01:40
I love the moody scene of Bruce placing flowers down at his parents murder site too. It's very strange to see Batman, out of the costume, wandering among Gotham citizens in the daytime. He looks just a bit spooky and weird in his classy clothes and dark shades. He feels like a total outsider.

How the hell did I forget to include this as an option? I like how that scene is building up to Bruce's mysterious past till it's eventually revealed that was the place where he saw his parents murdered right in front of his eyes. I can imagine audiences watching the movie knowing absolutely nothing about Batman's backstory would get all puzzled looking at that scene and then go "Ah-ha!" later on.

The funny thing is somebody told me that Elfman's music in that scene sounds like sad Russian-like orchestra playing in the background for a scene at a cemetery. They might have a point because we see how somber and rundown that part of town is. The only other person besides Bruce passing by is an elderly homeless woman pushing a shopping cart in the background.

Quote from: Cobblepot4Mayor on Sun, 19 Apr  2015, 01:40
There is also something slightly adult at Bruce coming on to a drunken Vicki on the staircase of Wayne Manor. He's not wasting any time here is he? lol I have always found it fascinating to hear him admit: "Hey one drink and I'm flying". This is the type of line Batman writer's would spit their tea out of their mouths hearing I expect. Whereas in Batman Begins we got a Bruce pretending to be drunk, here we have an incarnation who seems quite experienced with such a mood. The popular criticism I expect would be simply: Batman doesn't and shouldn't ever, ever get REALLY DRUNK! After all he's supposed to be the superbly focused man of intellect. I love however that there are tendencies in him to lose control. Not in a "slip to the dark side" kind of deal of aggression and carelessness that affects his crime fighting. In this case it's more the aspect that yes, believe it or not, Batman can and has had some "fun" in his life. It's not all doom and gloom as some would want you to believe since his parents got shot.

One of the comics that Steve Englehart wrote back in the seventies had Batman and Robin clowning around in the Batcave and laughing together following their arrest of the Penguin (I think), as they both talk about girls. So yeah, Batman is capable of loosing up.

It's fun how Bruce plays dumb during the armor room scene, and then we see him hiding in the Batcave as he replays footage of Gordon listening to a report about a break-in at Axis Chemicals. The flippant demeanor on his face is gone and he looks down pondering; preparing to investigate what's going on at the factory.

I also like how Bruce flippantly tells Vicki across the dinner table "Tell you the truth I don't think I've ever been in this room before". I used to think he was joking, but now I'm not so sure.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.

Source: http://books.google.com.au/books?id=uwV8rddtKRgC&pg=PR8&dq=But+he+does+wind+up+breaking+it.&hl=en&sa=X&ei

All of them are good but I like him and Vicki in the Batcave best. I know some fans complain about Alfred letting her in but it was clear from earlier in the movie that Alfred wanted Bruce to be with her and for her to learn his secret, even if Bruce couldn't reveal it to her. One of my favorite lines from the movie comes from Vicki in this scene : "It doesn't have to be a perfect world".

Haha, the "Let's Get Nuts" scene got reenacted by using old school action figures. :D


It's cheap, but I love the idea.
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.

Source: http://books.google.com.au/books?id=uwV8rddtKRgC&pg=PR8&dq=But+he+does+wind+up+breaking+it.&hl=en&sa=X&ei