Jack on Heath

Started by Paul (ral), Sat, 12 Jul 2008, 13:56

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Jack Nicholson had this to say about Heath Ledger's portayal of The Joker:

"Heath has taken him to a new level.  I couldn't tear my eyes away."

Where did you hear this?

Sat, 12 Jul 2008, 23:18 #2 Last Edit: Sat, 12 Jul 2008, 23:22 by raleagh
It will be in tomorrows Sunday World (Irish weekly paper - southern edition).

Oh rite, where did Jack see it?

I saw an interview and he said he wasnt interested in watching it

It didn't say where he saw it. The whole article was about how TDK is saving Warner's ass money-wise.  The last paragraph mentioned Jack.

I didnt realise WB was in such difficulty, just shows you.

It talks about the recent turkeys WB has put out.

I suppose there is a few, but I think every studio is doing the same. Hollywood is dyer at mo. Theres nothing really 'new' about and everything is nearly special effects orintated.

George Lucas stated a year ago the 'blockbuster' was dead. He could be rite.

Just wondering is he saying that Heath did exellent job with this 'new joker' and that he liked it or is he saying that Heath did a better job then him?. Cause the whole world knows Heath did an A+ job with his joker but Jack really shouldn't sell himself short his Joker is legendary.

I mean what is Jack gonna say "oh he wasnt as good as me, he was sh1t"

lol, I'm not saying Ledger is rubbish at it, (i havent seen it yet), but I think Jacks doing a bit of making up after his "I warned him" comment. He got a lot of flack for that.