Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024)

Started by Cobblepot4Mayor, Wed, 23 Oct 2013, 11:16

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Wed, 23 Oct 2013, 11:16 Last Edit: Sat, 3 Feb 2024, 16:52 by Silver Nemesis
In Keaton related developments it's looking more likely Tim Burton will direct another Beetlejuice. I'd love a sequel to this. It's a chance for Keaton to re-emerge as the star he deserves to be and in a character he's defined as much as Batman. Plus to have Burton return to his earliest film routes is highly appropriate. I've been somewhat disappointed by his output in recent years. I guess everybody has a period when you fire on all cylinders creatively but it would be nice if Burton could capture that early magic again.

So far no word on the possibilty of any other returning faces. So who would we love to see back? Sadly we have to rule out the wonderful Glenn Shadix who played Otho. He passed away a few years back. It seems far too tragic he won't be involved as there were lots of possibilties with his character (who only really meets Beetlejuice briefly in the finale of the first film).

I really think they need to convince Winona Ryder to come back as Lydia. Besides the fact it was this character that ushered in my crush on her as a kid, the character became a major part of the universe (thanks in part to her "sidekick" role in the Beetlejuice cartoon series). It'd be great to see where that character is now and even if she's hung around still with Beetlejuice all this time. With Burton seemingly back it may be possible to persuade Ryder than a new director doing the job. Recently she worked with him on Frankenweenie which also featured her on screen stepmum Catherine O' Hara I believe. Perhaps Burton suggested the sequel to them there? Either way we simply MUST have the return of the Dietz family! Introducing a new family won't do. Their great characters I want to see more of as much as the ghost with the most. On the other hand what about Jeffery Jones? Great comic actor but his personal life has become less than savory since 1988. Would we now be comfortable seeing him again and would he perhaps alienate the return of any other returning faces? I loved the Charles character but given what Jones did in his private life I'm not sure he'd be so forgiven. Great shame.

The Maitlands were always controversial critically. Described as the most boring characters in the movie. But for me they were actually the leading characters. However I doubt we'll see them. Alec Baldwin seemed less than enthused by the final movie and of Tim Burton. The cartoon series further established there no longer around anyway. I'd like them back personally but these could defintely be a no no.

One idea I loved from the animated series was Beetlejuice's parents (and his utter disgust for them). I'd love to see them put on screen and to look just as their animated counterparts did.

I guess it's kind of cool that Winona Ryder and Alec Baldwin are still fairly popular to this day. Geena Davis hasn't acted much recently but I'm sure she could be back. Though I'd question what would be next for all those characters? The two families seemed to be happy with their lives (or after-lives).

Not that Tim Burton is ever predictable but I think how I'd do it is have Lydia need to reluctantly call on help from the afterlife; maybe a death in the family (possibly even her own) or have her being haunted.

If they don't get the main characters back, the alternative could be an entirely new story with Beetlejuice such as a new family. Or a prequel could be interesting.

To be frank, as a longtime fan, Big Eyes is the Burton project I'm more anxious about. It's maybe a make or break situation for a director who has fallen from grace.

That said, a nostalgia trip like Beetlejuice II would be lovely, agreed. If Big Eyes is much better received than his latest movies and Burton regains some respect, I'm all for a Burton and Keaton reunion.

I was a huge fan of the Beetlejuice cartoon show and toys when I was very little. But I've always thought the film was a bit overrated. I like it on a visual level, and I thought Catherine O'Hara and Glenn Shadix gave entertaining performances. But as a comedy, I just never found it very funny. Especially when you compare it to something like Ghostbusters, or even other Burton movies like Pee-Wee's Big Adventure and Ed Wood. So the prospect of a sequel doesn't hold much appeal for me. I'd love to see Burton work with Keaton again, but I'd prefer they collaborated on something original. Maybe something in a genre that's new to both of them. A war film or a suspense thriller. Something like that.

Quote from: SilentEnigma on Thu, 24 Oct  2013, 16:20
To be frank, as a longtime fan, Big Eyes is the Burton project I'm more anxious about. It's maybe a make or break situation for a director who has fallen from grace.

Well said. I feel exactly the same. The Keane biopic is a chance for Burton to be taken seriously again as a filmmaker. His past collaboration with this writing team was, in my opinion, his finest film to date. So Big Eyes is the first Burton film I've really looked forward to since the 90s. Let's hope it's as good as we all hope and that he follows it up with some equally intriguing projects.

Quote from: SilentEnigma on Thu, 24 Oct  2013, 16:20
To be frank, as a longtime fan, Big Eyes is the Burton project I'm more anxious about. It's maybe a make or break situation for a director who has fallen from grace.
Not to be rude, but - did everyone just forget about the reception he got for Sweeney Todd, his MoMA  show, or even Frankenweenie?

But I can't say I'm rooting for the negotiations to go well. One of the big appeals of Beetlejuice is that it follows no formula and has a rather gonzo spirit. A sequel, by its nature, is hard-pressed to have the same atmosphere.

Fri, 25 Oct 2013, 19:32 #5 Last Edit: Fri, 25 Oct 2013, 19:34 by DocLathropBrown
While a Batman sequel is one I'd want to have consistancy with the first film, Beetlejuice isn't the same for me.

The only thing I want to return is Keaton as BJ. Everything else I want gone, which is different than most people, I assume. A cameo by Lydia is cool, but if he's bothering the Maitlands/Deetzs again, it's going to be little different to the first film. I'd see no point. And I suspect Burton feels the same way. I want BJ to be caught up in something completely different. He was the villain of the first film, and I'd dislike it if they went the style of the animated series and tried to make him more likeable/friendly because he's the star. But at the same time, if he's pestering the same people, it's odd because why wouldn't he have given up on them? BJ seemed like a journeyman type anyway... he'd just let the Maitlands/Deetzs lie and move on.

My idea with my close friend is that BJ should be facing a rival bio-exorcist that's twice as goofy as himself, and all kinds of hijinks should ensue. I quite liked the idea of him being on vacation and being caught up in a fight with this rival. My friend and I feel so strongly about our ideas, we toyed with the idea of writing our film and shopping the script to WB. Seriously.
"There's just as much room for the television series and the comic books as there is for my movie. Why wouldn't there be?" - Tim Burton

Sounds like it may not be happening after all:

QuoteAsked if he knows anything about [Beetlejuice 2], Keaton says, "No. Zero. You always hear things, that this is happening, and people seem to know more about it than I do."

While he loves the character, he says, "it's possible that ship has sailed."

"The only way to do it is to do it right," he says. "So much of it was improvised and so much was beautifully handmade by the artist that is Tim Burton. If you can't get close to that, you leave it alone."

He references remakes of other classic movies, noting, "There are certain movies that are like Indian burial grounds. You never ride over them. Bad sā€” happens if you cross that. You don't touch certain things. They are sacred."

I hope someone at Sony is reading this. I'm looking at you, Feig. >:(
QuoteIt looks like it's officially showtime for the long-awaited Beetlejuice sequel. On Monday, new reporting from The Ankler's Hollywood Transom newsletter revealed that Plan B Entertainment, inc. ā€” the award-winning production company associated with actor Brad Pitt ā€” is lined up to produce Beetlejuice 2. Both Michael Keaton and Winona Ryder are expected to reprise their roles as Beetlejuice and Lydia Deetz, respectively. The project could reportedly film as early as summer 2022. Plan B has produced a number of key films over the years, including Oscar winners Moonlight, The Departed, and 12 Years a Slave.

Cautiously curious.

Well, if Winona Ryder is returning, you really have to wonder how the dynamic between Beetlejuice and Lydia is going to play out this time around?

Will it continue the narrative of the original movie where Beetlejuice creepily/aggressively pursues Lydia again (only now she's not underage), or something like the cartoon where they are pals who go on adventures? Honestly, it's hilarious that such a movie got a cartoon in the first place. Course, the Toxic Avenger got a cartoon in the early '90's as well, and if you watched that movie ... wow.

In any event, here's a pretty good vid going over "Beetlejuice II" being in developmental hell for decades.
"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

I think it might actually be happening. I think that report from early this year might have been right.