In the absence of a "your review here" thread...(SPOILERS)

Started by zDBZ, Fri, 10 Aug 2012, 18:01

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Quote from: Travesty on Fri, 22 Jul  2022, 15:17
I still don't like this movie.
I get that. Honestly, it's only time that made me appreciate all of Nolan's Batman films. His story has a beginning, middle and ending. And my interpretation of TDKRises has become Batman sacrificing himself for Gotham City. I find that far more palatable than him somehow escaping a nuclear blast.

The idea of a Batman who can die, whose story can end, just works for me. I enjoy that.

But yeah, the movie might not be to everyone's taste.

I enjoy it as a dominant villain showcase. The hero being in serious decline and having just enough petrol in the tank to save the day is a byproduct of that and makes the journey satisfying in a deeper manner. When you cut Bruce back to the bone - no Alfred, no gadgets, no suit and no money, what is he? He's a man who has to overcome trauma, believe in himself and beat seemingly impossible odds. That's why the pit climb resonates. He suffers depression, but when push comes to shove he would prefer death than living an aimless life of imprisonment. When push comes to shove he would also die to save Gotham. Thematically, Rises is one of the most important.

Sometimes it's the smallest details that make you enjoy something.

With TDKRises, about nine or ten minutes in, there's a bit where Alfred becomes The Boss and gives orders to the caterer and his staff at the stately Wayne Manor event for Harvey Dent.

Don't mistake me for an expert on the hospitality industry. But as far as I know, this is just about the way it would go down.

For the purposes of this catered event, the waitstaff would answer to the caterer/manager, Mr. Till. And Mr. Till would answer to Alfred.

So, if the waitstaff are using the main staircase (a BIG no-no), Alfred would notice and then he would take it up with Mr. Till.

It's a small detail, like I say. But it rings very true. That's how it really would play out in real life. I appreciate that someone was paying attention to details like this with the movie.