Pop Culture references about Burton's Batman

Started by GothamAlleys, Tue, 17 Jan 2012, 20:23

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I dotn know if this topic exists already, but lets try to collect everything together. Ill start with:

MAD cartoon

Tiny Toons

Thu, 19 Jan 2012, 16:30 #2 Last Edit: Thu, 19 Jan 2012, 16:35 by GothamAlleys
Nicholson's Joker in South Park

American Dad scene showing grabbing a sign, breaking a glass and creaming "you wanna get nuts? cmon, lets get nutsss"


Here's George Costanza doing his take on Keaton (the last 10 seconds)


Quote from: GothamAlleys on Tue, 17 Jan  2012, 20:23

Tiny Toons

I remember this Tiny Toons episode from 1992-93. I haven't seen this caricature of Batman since more than 15 years ago. Great thread, keep it up!