Batman and Robin (2011-2015)

Started by Paul (ral), Fri, 2 Sep 2011, 21:04

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Fri, 2 Sep 2011, 21:04 Last Edit: Wed, 24 Feb 2016, 21:26 by Silver Nemesis
Discussion on "Batman and Robin"

Anyone checked out #1 yet?

I liked it. I was especially pleased to see the batpoles have survived the reboot.  :)

I haven't read it yet - like the front cover though.

One thing that is putting me off is....I really don't like Damien Wayne!

I'm not sure anyone likes Damian. He's a little punk. But I see him as a kind of reverse-Jason Todd. Contrary to what most people say, Jason was actually very cool to begin with. It was only in the run up to A Death in the Family that he started acting like a gimp.

But since Damian has been a jerk from the get go, I've always assumed he's going to mellow over time and grow into a likeable character. But in this particular issue he gives a lot of sass to Bruce, so you might want to give it a miss.

Issues 1-11 were great actually.

After reading them I actually like Damian much more than I used to.  Tomasi is exploring the Father/Son dynamic and doing a great job.

Since my comment in Sept I have come to enjoy Damien in this title. I find myself agreeing with him on occasion :-)

Quote from: Paul (ral) on Mon, 10 Sep  2012, 00:26
Since my comment in Sept I have come to enjoy Damien in this title. I find myself agreeing with him on occasion :-)

Totally agree.  When Morrison was writig Damian I disliked him rather strongly.  Since the reboot and Tomasi taking over I've warmed to him quite a bit.