Batman Forever: Virtual Workprint

Started by I_Only_Said, Mon, 21 Feb 2011, 17:25

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That's unfortunate. I hope everything works out for you.

You know how to work a score! I'd love to see this in total.. that opener was top notch!

the red lightening was great!

Mon, 28 Mar 2011, 21:20 #13 Last Edit: Tue, 29 Mar 2011, 00:20 by I_Only_Said
Good news guys. Got the macbook fixed and all the data seems to be fine. The full edit is coming soon, but until then here's another clip!

EDIT: Youtube couldn't seem to decide whether or not to block the audio, looks like it's resolved now though.

Also, this is a good scene for the late Michael Gough. RIP

I like it, you're staying true to Schumacher's vision, but making it all seemless and enjoyable.

Hey again guys.

Apologies for disappearing with this. I got the edit about 99% done, but further computer problems and general life changes kinda contributed to it all slipping away from me for a while. I do have a basically-complete cut that's been sitting on my computer for a couple years that I can share if people are still interested, I'm just not sure what the best way of going about it would be. Right now it's a *gigantic* Final Cut movie file, still need to figure out what the best format to export it to for downloading would be. Unfortunately Final Cut 6 seems to be unable to export it without having some strange side effects on the brightness and contrast during a couple scenes, and I'm really not technically minded enough to know why. ;D But if you guys can deal with that and the fact that it's not in crystal-clear HD, I'd like to put it out there.

Sounds great, whenever you're ready, man.

Should have a link up by Monday. :)

Sun, 27 Apr 2014, 20:29 #19 Last Edit: Mon, 5 May 2014, 01:49 by I_Only_Said
Edit: New version will be up soon.  :)

So, here it is. Sorry again about the image quality, it's partially because I actually degraded the theatrical footage a bit to make the transition into the deleted stuff a little more smooth, but also because I just haven't been able to export the whole thing at a higher quality without running into a bunch of problems. Still got a few bats in the computer, I guess. I'll keep working on it, but I figured I should just put up or shut up already. Hope this suffices for now.  8)