Batman Returns observations

Started by The Dark Knight, Tue, 20 Apr 2010, 07:39

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This probably doesn't require a thread, but I couldn't find an existing one that it would fit into.

Just briefly skimmed through Returns.

A few things I noticed:

We all know Schreck?s vampire inspiration with the name and also the power plant. But you know the scene just before he pushes Selina from the window and says ?Actually, it?s a lot like that?? Well, notice how he leans forward and his head seemingly focuses on her neck area. Anyone catch that?

Also, has anyone ever considered that the clown with the time bomb strapped to his chest could have been a suicide bomber? It is possible it was just temporarily being stored there as he moved around the street, but you never know. It never really entered my mind until all the antics of current day terrorism started.

Straight after Penguin?s ?rescue? of the Mayor? baby; it cuts to the scene in Wayne Manor. I?ve always just assumed the scene took place at night due to the gloomy lighting and roaring fire. But the television reports the event took place ?just minutes before?. Bruce could have taped the news and been watching a video replay to review the days events I guess. I know the expressionism Burton used, but if this scene took place during the day, that just makes it even better.

Just a few minor observations. I wonder what came of Selina?s trashed apartment after her meltdown? She did go back to work straight after it. I wonder if she stayed put there, and if so, for how long? Oh, and one last thing, I have always loved how Keaton throws his report across the table to Schreck. Absolutely perfect. So cool.

Yeah, I got that Shreck/vampire thing a little bit, too.  Funny!  Hadn't thought about the day/night inconsistency thing before, but you're right.  Hey, we should start a thread about bloopers!  I've noticed several!
The hopeful future Mrs. Cobblepot?

Never caught this before.

From what I can see, there are three bat symbol magnets on the panel to Batman's left.

Enlarge the image to see what I mean.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu,  6 May  2010, 05:47
Never caught this before.

From what I can see, there are three bat symbol magnets on the panel to Batman's left.

Enlarge the image to see what I mean.

:o ohhhh yeah!! are they the 60's show logos?

Whoa!! I see it, nice find, it looks like the old logo.

In the scene where Penguin has taken Max Shreck into his Lair, he is wearing a tie at first, then he's not wearing a tie, then the tie is back a moment later.
The hopeful future Mrs. Cobblepot?

One that always got me was at the very end when Penguin emerges from the toxic waste with all that bile running down his chin.  When he first emerges and is stumbling toward Batman the stuff is running all over his chin, same thing next cut only it's gotten thicker and his whole chin is covered, third cut it's like he's just started bleeding the stuff.  No residue or anything and it's a much smaller strain.  Then after he opens "the cute one" the bile is running down his chin in all different directions. 

This is Burton's Wayne Manor in Batman Returns.

Can you imagine Thomas and Martha Wayne being buried on those grounds?

Thu, 26 Aug 2010, 20:21 #9 Last Edit: Mon, 21 Feb 2011, 04:10 by THE BAT-MAN
Here is a interesting contrast.

Batman: The Movie

Batman Returns