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Messages - Batman

1 1/2 years on and my order has yet to be delivered.  :(
Such a shame since I already have a Michael Keaton headcast to go with them waiting.
I just found this item on It's a life-size Batman statue that is judging by the picture, based on the model kit's sculpt.
It comes in two scales 1:1 and 1:2. Does anyone have more information on the statue?
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Wed,  6 May  2015, 03:31
Great to see Batman Returns getting attention in 2015 with new products.

Unfortunately, I don't like their Michael Keaton Bruce Wayne head sculpt. The batsuit looks amazing, though.

Jin Cheol Hong showed of pictures of the sculpt because he wasn't happy with the way it looked in the production pictures. Looks perfect now.

Yes. I first saw his cowls on here seven or so years ago.
Until then, there's the custom KUMIK Catwoman, that while not 100% accurate with the boots and gloves, is rather nice.
"Alright, now I'm a little worried."  ;)

Thanks for the link though, TLF.
Hm, I guess I can only ask him again and hope for the best.
The line was announced in 2012, then a year ago they presented the prototype at SDCC only last year. But since then went awfully quiet. Many believed the line was completely cancelled, but today they finally revealed the figure in his full glory! It won't be a deluxe figure as previously speculated, but a single figure with the option of buying a two-pack with Bruce Wayne in tux that will come with exclusive torn cowl.

FB Page:

HT slideshow:
I purchased a 1989 and 1992 cowl off his 23/7 special offer sale last summer. I was prepared for the announced 6-8 week waiting period, but an additional seven months have passed since. I E-Mail him about once or every other month, and when he replies he tells me they'd go out the following week. He did promise including the painted emblems free of charge for each cowl to make up for the delay, which did hold me over for a couple more months.

This is my first ever prop replica order and a dream come true, but the scale is tipping towards it feeling more like a frustrating experience. There is the option of getting the money refunded, but after anticipating these cowls for such a long time I just can't give up on them. I even bought a Keaton headcast that is waiting to be used.

Has anyone on here ordered from Paul in the past, or during the 23/7 sale in particular? How soon did you receive your pieces?
Thanks for the feedback. I think I will give Batman Returns a pass. I listened to quite a bit of Batman Forever (which I enjoy) and it was a fun listen. Might give Batman 1989 a listen as well now.

Has anyone watched Oliver Harper's Batman Returns review? I thought his Batman 1989 one was rather well done from what I remember.