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Messages - eledoremassis02

Customs / Re: 89 Joker Prostetic sculpt
Tue, 14 Dec 2010, 23:07
I have a test one thats been molded but it doesn't have a skin texture so it's smooth.

I added the lip and bridge section later but didn't take a picture of it till in was being molded..

Customs / 89 Joker Prostetic sculpt
Sat, 11 Dec 2010, 18:42
Been working on this for a while

Find anything Batman 89 or Batman Returns related finds at thift stores, garage sales, etc.

I found a Rolling Stones issues from 89! $1.00

Batman (1989) / Batman drawing
Sat, 11 Dec 2010, 18:33
First full photoshop drawing

Batman Returns (1992) / Returns Drawing
Sat, 11 Dec 2010, 18:30
It's the 89 suit with the Batman Returns Gotham. Drew it a few years ago.

I saw someone linked to my Batman Returns Film Cels from superhero hype but I did not see my 89 ones posted. I got a new scanner that can take better scans but I need to mound the cels in order to do so, so here are the ones from my old scanner.
So here they are!

and finally!

I have more that I have to scan!

Also here is a 35mm photo that was mounted that I scanned with my new scanner.