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Messages - Darth Vader

Great review. Guess that's enough to hold us over for MOTP.

The only part I'm in disagreement about is the perceived flawnessness of BB's Alfred. I don't know what it is with people, but they find it hard to criticize anything Michael Caine's in... he's a superb actor, and played the part he needed to in Batman Begins, but my gripe lies in the interpretation itself.

I think Batfans can all agree in unison though: Gary Oldman IS Gordon.
Misc. Burton / Re: Prologue/Epilogue
Mon, 21 Jan 2008, 08:33
It just occured to me. In Batman Beyond it's explained that Bruce Wayne designed a robotic suit when he started getting older. I'm sure this version would go that route. He seems like the type of guy who would fight crime, even if he was elderly. In Batman Beyond he stopped because of what happened to Tim Drake... this version wouldn't have a Robin side-kick, so Hmmmm.
Misc. Burton / Prologue/Epilogue
Mon, 21 Jan 2008, 08:20
Summarize your take on Batman's beginning and end. Take ideas, implications, concepts from B89/BR, and be creative too.

Prologue: Bruce Wayne departs from America for the Eastern countries, training under the best martial arts masters, residing most of his pre-Batman years in Japan. When attaining highest rank and besting every last one of his peers and teachers, he returns to Gotham to prepare the crafting of the Batsuit, Batmobile, gadgets, and cave.

[Insert B89/BR]

Epilogue: He is Gotham's hero until old age takes its toll. Bruce lives out a quiet life in his mansion, hosting the occasional exclusive party, and frequently bedding hotties.
Watched it on YouTube a while back.
Batman (1989) / Re: 89 redux?
Sun, 20 Jan 2008, 03:49

Batman's mind is so tortured that it is suggested that he's "discovering" his parents' killer every time a new man vaguely fitting the profile arises. It would be a cycle of undeserved vengeance: Batman always kills the alleged killer, but then finds he was wrong, then compulsively moves onto the next suspect.

How's that for a sickening twist?  8)
Burton probably has those scriptments stuffed in his desk somewhere, forgotten.  :P
That chicken boy story is funny. That's enough to validate the psychological implications of what happened with the Penguin for sure.
Batman (1989) / Re: 89 redux?
Sat, 19 Jan 2008, 20:17
Well going by what Raleagh said last time, I'm not sure Burton would approve of defacing Sam Hamm's work when he got back from being sick.

Lol.  :P
Jett has like... 0 followers now. He was ruined by being unreliable during the TDK pre-production.
Batman (1989) / Re: 89 redux?
Sat, 19 Jan 2008, 18:12
A lot of that is already in the script though, so when you were shooting, you'd still have to follow the storyline of Vicki in the cave, etc.