Great review. Guess that's enough to hold us over for MOTP.
The only part I'm in disagreement about is the perceived flawnessness of BB's Alfred. I don't know what it is with people, but they find it hard to criticize anything Michael Caine's in... he's a superb actor, and played the part he needed to in Batman Begins, but my gripe lies in the interpretation itself.
I think Batfans can all agree in unison though: Gary Oldman IS Gordon.
The only part I'm in disagreement about is the perceived flawnessness of BB's Alfred. I don't know what it is with people, but they find it hard to criticize anything Michael Caine's in... he's a superb actor, and played the part he needed to in Batman Begins, but my gripe lies in the interpretation itself.
I think Batfans can all agree in unison though: Gary Oldman IS Gordon.