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Messages - The Dark Knight

Quote from: raleagh on Mon, 21 Jul  2008, 08:48
which is more than can be said for those out there that are only interested in the next big thing and blast all that came before.
Trying to say something about me? I just don't see how anyone can compare Nicholson's Joker to Ledger's. I think its primary the nostalgia talking. I mean, its night and day really.

Dozens of actors could have done what Nicholson did, but I can't think of many actors that have that "fearlessness" than Nolan talked about being a requirement for taking on this new vision of the Joker.

I do like the Burton films, but appreciate what Nolan has done more.

I just think it's amazing that Heath took a role that was so clearly Jack's and well known and brought something incredibly new and great to the table. He really nailed it. I got what I consider basically the perfect interpretation of Joker on screen. I'm happy it exists.
Fair enough. I see Ledger's Joker as the best by a mile, though.

I wouldn't want you to turn a blind eye, if that is what you are doing. To be clear, I mean to knowingly refuse to acknowledge something which you know to be real. I think it is nostalgia being the main driving force here. People need to take off their rose tinted glasses and look at things objectively.
Misc. Burton / Re: Which movie is darker?
Mon, 21 Jul 2008, 06:47
I favour Returns over Batman (1989). Returns is definitely the darker film of the two. The atmosphere was dead-on, and while it isn't necessarily the comic-book Batman, Burton's vision is engrossing on its own. It also helps that I happen to love Pfeifer's Catwoman so much, that even if the rest of the movie was poor, I'd like it just because of that performance.
Jack's Joker was never definitive. It was fun. Good, bordering on great -and back in the day, it was pretty impressive. But I never, ever would have said it was the best portrayal of the character in any medium, because it didn't come close. But this... well, this is too good to top. In all liklihood, too good to equal, as well.
The Dark Knight (2008) / Re: Dark knight Game
Mon, 21 Jul 2008, 06:32
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Sat, 19 Jul  2008, 17:08
It is currently in development, but all the annoucements have been very down played becayse there aren't exactly rushing into it.
Fine by me as long as they are putting a great deal of effort into it. GoldenEye 007 came out in 1997, two years after the 1995 film of the same name.
No, this Batman is not for kids. A child would not appreciate TDK anyway. People will sit up and take notice now. The series has not strayed from the comic path, it is now closer than ever. It is a great time to be a Batman fan.

Well, TDK is a lot better than Returns. I don't think there will be pandering to minority groups again, like was the case after Returns, which followed up with Forever and the dreadful Batman and Robin. Stuff the lot of them, give to the fans what is long overdue and true to the character.
TDK greatly improves over the similar Batman (1989) moments:

In TDK, Joker refuses to move, Batman stands down adhering to his no killing policy, and swerves out of the way. In doing so, he falls off the bike and is rendered unconscious. Joker essentially ?wins? without doing a thing, and moves over to take care of Batman ? before being arrested by Gordon.

This is MUCH better than the similar Batman (1989) moment, where Batman swoops down in the Batwing and opens fire on Joker, only to be shot down. There, he looks incompetent with his missile aim (that or his equipment is faulty )and a killer ? neither which he is. He could be trying to intimidate the Joker, but I don't see him taking that risk.

In TDK, Joker falls off the building and is saved. A lot better than falling to his death, which was an epic mistake in Batman (1989)

The Joker meeting the mob in TDK is better too. The Joker's 'magic trick', where he kills a man by impaling his head on an upright pencil, is fantastic. Ledger is a joy to watch, it is as if he has electricity running through his body. I love him revealing his stash of grenades in his jacket as well. Like Nicholson said, Heath brought The Joker to another level.
The Dark Knight (2008) / Re: Dark knight Game
Sat, 19 Jul 2008, 05:37
As do I, but I don't see this happening.
The Dark Knight (2008) / Re: Jack on Heath
Sat, 19 Jul 2008, 05:33
That may be so, but nostalgia can only go so far. Having been a fan of Batman (1989) and Jack's Joker, it is clear to me that Heath is superior. It is the best interpretation of the character in any medium. Ledger is the benchmark now. I don't see this being topped, ever. Good luck to the fellow who tries.
The birthday has long since gone, but she looks amazing for 50. She is the BEST Catwoman ever!