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Messages - Sandman

Movies / Re: Best one-two punch...
Sat, 22 Aug 2009, 00:32
Robocop 2 could have been alot better, The child villian ruined it for me though. Still way better then the 3rd movie.
Exellent i thought the costume you had last year was great, But you just keep out doing yourself lol. I wanted to go as Joker but all i coud get was Heath Ledger Joker costumes which are overdone so i went as Snake Plissken.
Movies / Re: Best one-two punch...
Fri, 21 Aug 2009, 01:03
And Bishop :-\
Quote from: ral on Fri, 21 Aug  2009, 00:43
Quote from: Sandman on Fri, 21 Aug  2009, 00:39
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Mon, 17 Aug  2009, 03:39
The vote is currently tied. Quite fitting I think. "This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object."

I've heard that before?

yeah its the irresistible force paradox

Ah Thank you ;)
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Mon, 17 Aug  2009, 03:39
The vote is currently tied. Quite fitting I think. "This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object."

I've heard that before?
Movies / Re: Best one-two punch...
Fri, 21 Aug 2009, 00:36
Quote from: johnnygobbs on Thu, 20 Aug  2009, 21:04
No mention of Alien and Aliens?   ::)

Good one great movies.....not 3 though they killed Hicks :'( :'( :'( :'(
Is anyone else getting the special edition?
Merchandise / Re: WHAT IS ON YOUR WANT LIST?
Sat, 15 Aug 2009, 02:19
HUH? What do you mean, The sign even says it was blown up during filming and rebuild.
Merchandise / Re: WHAT IS ON YOUR WANT LIST?
Mon, 10 Aug 2009, 00:26
Quote from: ral on Sun,  9 Aug  2009, 10:24
Quote from: Sandman on Sun,  9 Aug  2009, 02:57
The Burton Batmobile, I swear as soon as movie world puts that baby up for auction im there.

Apparently Jon Peters has it.

... Damn you Jon Peters! >:(

Quote from: bttfspencer on Sun,  9 Aug  2009, 13:10
Quote from: Sandman on Sun,  9 Aug  2009, 02:57
B:TAS style Scarecrow mask

To meet Michael Keaton

That yes/no machine Riddler had in Forever

And one again

The Burton Batmobile, I swear as soon as movie world puts that baby up for auction im there.

That car is a replica, if it EVER went up for auction i would do everything in my power to stop you from owning my car.

Oh a challenge, I purpose a race around the world LOL and i''ll take any other batvehicle they have like the real rebuild Batboat from Forever.