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Messages - Kamdan

Merchandise / Re: Returns audio book
Sun, 3 Aug 2008, 19:24
I now got these on my iTunes. Good stuff!
Hey! I'm from Kansas!

I was suprised at everyone's reaction. There had to be a couple negitive reactions, but they didn't show them.
Batman (1989) / Re: BATMAN #1 - TIM BURTON
Wed, 23 Jul 2008, 21:09
What about Batman Forever's Comic Influences?
Quote from: Gotham Knight on Sat, 19 Jul  2008, 17:06
You were the one who said it first too a couple of weeks ago.

Say what?
You forgot to mention The Penguin's connection to Killer Croc.
I?m writing this note no more than an hour after viewing a midnight showing of the film. When Batman 1989 came out, it took us by storm and the ending of the film left us clambering for more. When the sequel, Batman Returns, came out, it took on a darker tone with a downbeat ending that left the franchise in turmoil by complaining concern groups. This was mainly because of the merchandising that was attached to the film. Then, a second sequel came about, Batman Forever, with a much lighter tone that revitalized the franchise. It appealed to ALL masses (audiences, concern groups, merchandisers). Now obviously they went too far with Batman & Robin that left the franchise dead for 8 years until Batman Begins came out. It had a similar ending to Batman ?89 that left us clambering for more. What we got was yet another merchandising bonanza for a darker sequel with a VERY downbeat ending. Do you see a pattern here? I know that The Dark Knight will receive a massive amount of backlash from the same concern groups who complained about Batman Returns and we?ll have to see, yet again, a lighter Batman film that will please EVERYBODY. The Dark Knight?s ending left us without anywhere else to go. Batman Returns also had that same feeling. The only thing way to do another Batman film was to do something completely different and out of the box. That?s when Schumacher came about and delivered just that. I also believe that Nolan is probably done with Batman, just like how Cameron stopped on Terminator 2 and decided not to do anymore Terminator films. If a third Batman movie will come about, I think it will turn out the way Terminator 3 came about. I guess history really does repeat itself. I just hope they don?t go too far like the first time around.
It could have been better if he had on his suit from the movie, but it's still neat.

Let me know how that turns out. I think it would unique to be a Joker goon at Comic Con.