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Messages - Kamdan

Movies / Re: The Indiana Jones Thread
Thu, 6 Jul 2023, 03:16
QuoteSeeing him and Indy fight side by side in the following scene is like watching Batman and Robin in action.

Is Short Round proof that Robin could work in a dark movie, provided there's a note of comic relief?

I absolutely share this sentiment. Indy and Short Round along with the relationship Dick Tracy and The Kid shared in the 1990 film had me wholeheartedly agree that a true Boy Wonder could be pulled off in a Batman feature. I read most of the Golden Age era comics and thought that was the best approach to the character without all of his "holy-this-or-that" statements that he became known for. Good writing and characterization is key. They tried this with Zorro's son in The Legend of Zorro and he came off extremely irritating.
Such a shame that this edit will likely never be seen on a wider scale other than at Smith's theater. It's obviously not a complete edit that restores every known deleted scene and was completed before reshoots and additional ADR occurred. It, along with various other leaked workprints, provide an interesting insight into the filmmaking process. This sort of thing doesn't appeal to the average consumer and would only appeal to film buffs, especially in terms of this utilizing a temp score.

I really don't understand why Smith gets to show this edit for free without apparent consequence. It would be the same difference if it was shared online. Podcasters at the theater sounded pretty adamant that no recordings were to be made during the screening which is rather trivial since this is illegally obtained footage to begin with. When the workprint of Blade Runner got accidentally leaked in the late 80's, people made recordings of it before it appeared decades later on the Blu-ray. Smith's only doing this to drum up attendees at his theater that is obviously struggling by resorting to gimmicks like this.

Hope something can be done right away. I'm much more interested in seeing this workprint as it is instead of going back and making it as slick and polished as Snyder's cut of Justice League was.
Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Sat,  1 Jul  2023, 16:00Here's a quote from Michael Keaton regarding his very first costumed fight scene in Batman '89, where he battles the two muggers on the rooftop. Carl Newman performed the wirework and shots of Batman spreading his cape in that scene, and Sean McCabe would've taken the fall after Batman gets shot by the muggers, but it was Keaton himself who performed the bit where Batman kicks Eddie through the door.

Here's what Keaton had to say about it.

Quote"I could barely move in that suit. To this day, one hip has not been right because I practiced when I first kicked that guy on the roof, and it was very difficult to get my foot up that high. It was like fifty thousand rubber bands holding you down."

Supposedly he did multiple takes of that shot and ended up pulling a muscle in his hip. That injury might have been a factor in why Dave Lea was brought in midway through the shoot.

That shot of Batman kicking always concerned me as it looked like he fell over conducting that kick. Could always tell that was Keaton by the facial expression alone and I will freely admit that I fell over myself trying to do this kick and I didn't have a Batsuit on. Another reminder of how taxing these films are on the actors.
Hope that Reynolds will use this opportunity to call back Affleck's statement "By playing a superhero in Daredevil, I have inoculated myself from ever playing another superhero ... Wearing a costume was a source of humiliation for me and something I wouldn't want to do again soon." It's too good of a meta joke for a character like Deadpool to ignore.
So, all we gotta do is find this Joe Black guy now. There are fans who will do exactly what he got tired of doing for a month and could knock it out in a week. Would make a better presentation for Smith's upcoming theatrical screenings of it.

Managed to track down his YouTube account where he uploaded his portion of the podcast on his own page.
Quote from: The Joker on Wed,  7 Jun  2023, 15:13

Supposedly, this theater had a midnight showing for "Batman and Robin" just last weekend.

In regards to "The Flash", that's timely!

That's Quentin Tarantino's theater. They're known for playing 35mm prints.

I'm frankly kind of disappointed that there haven't been opportunities for screenings of Batman '89 & Returns in anticipation of Keaton's return in The Flash. Warners is notorious for holding moratoriums on their previous movie when a new version comes out. You'd think they'd allow a couple of screenings to help drum up the excitement. A 4K edition of Mask of the Phantasm is coming out just in time for Batman Day. Maybe they'll throw in the two Keaton films if The Flash is a hit.
Messaged you on Facebook.
That's great to see an acknowledgment to Walker's work on The Flash was what got her the job to do the Animated Series. The typical narrative is that the creators hired Walker based on her conducting work on the Burton Batman scores, which was how she was hired for The Flash. Always seemed like they never wanted to mention how much The Flash influenced Batman: The Animated Series since they seemed to have been more inspired by that than the Burton films.
I'm going to be disappointed if this all has too many similarities to The Trickster episodes of The Flash. It's bad enough that they won't acknowledge its influence for The Animated Series. They're already on that path in the first one with Arthur's fantasy relationship with Sophie and now it seems like Lady Gaga's Harley will be a crazy fan like Zoey Clark was.
QuoteLooking back on it now, Batman '89 was clearly positioning Two-Face to be the villain in the sequel. There's the whole subplot about Dent in the movie itself, but also a conspicuous amount of Two-Face imagery in the Prince music videos.

Always wondered if Burton thought that the Alicia character was his own way of handling the Two-Face character, as both characters involve an acid scarred face.

QuoteIt makes sense that Williams liked the Riddler but was still irked and wanted apology for how WB dealt with him in, gave and took away Joker in B89.

Williams was famously pissed off at Disney for the marketing of Aladdin emphasizing on him when he was supposed to be very low key. He apparently forgave and forgot by subsequently appearing in Flubber and reprising the role of the Genie for the third direct to video sequel.

I believe that Williams wasn't wanting an apology for something he understood completely that Jack was meant to play The Joker and he thought he had more buying power by holding out as long as he did for playing The Riddler, but similar to how Rene Russo had to be recasted, Michael Keaton finally turning down the role meant another casting approach had to be made to accommodate. Jim Carrey was the natural choice and Williams once again lost out.