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Messages - DarkVengeance

I was never a fan of chocolate flavored cereals, especially not with marshmellows hehe  :P
I loved the 89 Batman cereal it was basically bat shaped Capn Crunch, the Batman Returns cereal was GROSS but I ate it just because it was for the movie haha.
Doclathropbrown posted this in the Robocop reboot thread (on Superherohype) it's a press conference for the new Robocop and Keaton talks A LOT about 89 and the batsuit, probably more than I've ever heard since doing press for the film in 1989 I recommend giving it a listen it's pretty awesome.

Now UPDATED with the actual video footage of Michael.

Looks absolutely incredible
Quote from: Paul (ral) on Sat, 12 Oct  2013, 00:57
Quote from: DarkVengeance on Sat, 12 Oct  2013, 00:54
it's too bad Nicholson is a greedy bastard and wouldn't let them license his likeness as well for an affordable price.

Where did you hear that?
I've heard it through the grapvine many times, obviously for them to use his likeness they have to get approval or in Jack's situation pay him for his likeness. That is the reason that Hot Toys was able to do their Joker figure, but NECA wouldn't pay the amount requested to do a 1/4 scale figure, which is a HUGE shame.
A Batman Returns Catwoman in this scale would be incredible, I wish they would do Nicholson's Joker too but he's too greedy and has an expensive likeness, I don't think Neca could afford it I'm surprised Hot Toys did.
Misc. Burton / Re: Burton Bat Toy Reviews...
Sat, 14 Dec 2013, 03:33
Yeah I was SUPER happy with mine, probably my favorite piece of my collection.
He was actually only $80, which to me is a steal.
He just came in the mail today, this is the figure I've been waiting my whole life for.

These look fantastic and I can't wait to get them, it's too bad Nicholson is a greedy bastard and wouldn't let them license his likeness as well for an affordable price.