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Messages - DarkVengeance

We can make a difference! I'm reaching out and attempting to let Warner Bros. Entertainment know that we as fans, deserve to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Tim Burton's Batman the way it was intended.

If you purchased the new 4K Ultra HD blu-ray of the movie you can help start a movement by emailing and requesting a replacement disc including the original audio track with the classic sound effects. A handful of us have already reached out and contacted them and our power will be in numbers. We appreciate all of the support we can get. We should at least have it as an option on top of the new Atmos mix. Let's celebrate this classic film the way it was intended.
Fathom Events finally got back to me on Facebook in regards to the upcoming theatrical presentations of the first four Batman films.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu,  4 Apr  2019, 12:52
Quote from: BatmanFurst on Thu,  4 Apr  2019, 00:31
Quote from: Furstmobile on Tue,  2 Apr  2019, 22:13
God it's far worse than we could've imagined. They took what they already had and somehow made it worse. This is why I hate simultaneous/box set releases, total sacrifice of identity for constancy's sake. The white skyline at the bottom of their packaging has nothing to do with the cities in any of the movies. The streaming versions at least bothered to get the Burton cities right.
I'm tired of people trying to do their take on the cover. Just put the poster on there! The DVD set from 2005 is the only set that got that right.
I'm more curious to see what the film looks like in 4K, considering its age. If the picture quality will be much different to the Blu-ray.

I guarantee it will be a BIG difference. The previous Blu and DVD were from a dated master. I'm hearing that they may be using the original master used from the Laserdisc (which most fans say is the most accurate depiction of 89 that's available for home video format). Hopefully they fix the contrast and brightness issues that 89 and BR had.

Time will tell, but I'm excited!
It's official!

Batman (1989) / Re: 30th year
Mon, 1 Apr 2019, 22:51
The first four BATMAN movies are getting a special Fathom Event in early May. Check Fandango to see if there will be any in your area.
According to information over at, the release date for the 4K Ultra HD of Batman 1989 will be on 6/4/19. I'm shocked that WB has yet to provide an official announcement.
Batman (1989) / Re: 30th year
Sat, 2 Feb 2019, 19:25
I just turned 35 last year. Only 5 more years to 40. At some point you have to embrace it, it's going to happen regardless.
Batman Forever (1995) / Re: Batman Forever 4k
Wed, 23 Jan 2019, 23:23
It you have a good 4K tv and a good 4k player, it will automatically upgrade the quality. You just have to make sure you purchase a player with that capability.
I'm just really hoping that on top of this artwork being temporary, WB does put some effort into new extras. It sounds like this IS getting a new Dolby Atmos mix so I feel the positives outweigh the negatives when it comes to technical aspects.
I'm hearing rumblings that Best Buy will be doing steelbooks of these releases so those upset about the artwork, there's still hope. I don't know where that artwork came from but I've also heard it may not be the final cover. It's weird WB would do this considering they gave a pretty great new cover for last years 40th Anniversary 4K UHD of Superman.