We can make a difference! I'm reaching out and attempting to let Warner Bros. Entertainment know that we as fans, deserve to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Tim Burton's Batman the way it was intended.
If you purchased the new 4K Ultra HD blu-ray of the movie you can help start a movement by emailing whv@wb.com and requesting a replacement disc including the original audio track with the classic sound effects. A handful of us have already reached out and contacted them and our power will be in numbers. We appreciate all of the support we can get. We should at least have it as an option on top of the new Atmos mix. Let's celebrate this classic film the way it was intended.
If you purchased the new 4K Ultra HD blu-ray of the movie you can help start a movement by emailing whv@wb.com and requesting a replacement disc including the original audio track with the classic sound effects. A handful of us have already reached out and contacted them and our power will be in numbers. We appreciate all of the support we can get. We should at least have it as an option on top of the new Atmos mix. Let's celebrate this classic film the way it was intended.