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Messages - thecolorsblend

Other DC Films & TV / Re: Superman (2025)
Thu, 19 Dec 2024, 14:10
Brosnahan gives me Kidder vibes in some moments of that teaser.

I'm willing to give the movie a day in court. If nothing else, Guy Gardner is representing, which counts for a lot in my book.
Other DC Films & TV / Re: Superman (2025)
Thu, 19 Dec 2024, 13:59
I enjoyed the first episode of OS. I agree about adding context.

But is there some discontinuity going on here? It's been forever since I watched the first season of Dexter but wasn't there a flashback scene in the hospital with Harry, Dexter and Deb where Harry speaks in code and tells Dex to, you know, get started? And Deb asks what they're talking about?

I don't mind retcons. But it does feel like some contradictory stuff is going on around here.
Other DC Films & TV / Re: Superman (2025)
Thu, 19 Dec 2024, 04:43
I guess since we're on the subject, the thumbnail of the video does a good job of illustrating my complaint for me.

I don't even know how to describe that look. There's something... uneven about it. And it's so common. Dim interior lighting with blown out exterior lighting, dinge colors and so forth.

It's late and I'm getting punchy so I'm not sure if I'm doing a good job of describing it. But this type of aesthetic is so common in films nowadays and I wish I knew who to blame for it because it looks like dog $#!+ and I would love it if that style went away forever.

No idea of this is Old Man Yells At Sky or what. But that style is just unpleasant to look at.
General Bat-chat / Re: Super Power Beat Down
Wed, 18 Dec 2024, 23:27
I choose to take this literally. B89 Batman vs. 1990 Shredder.

It's... tough to say. On the one hand, I would never bet against B89 Batman. And yet, he had his work cut out for him against the strong man in the belfry. It is possible for him to be overwhelmed, at least for a while. He might need a moment to get his equilibrium back.

At the same time, 1990 Shredder is obviously mad, bad and dangerous to know. Not someone to be trifled with. He effortlessly took on the turtles, dropping them easily. His weakness might be his temper. Splinter knew good and well what would happen when he unmasked himself as the rat that scarred Shredder. Sure enough, Shredder got triggered, charged Splinter and... that was all she wrote (because in my continuity, there are no sequels to 1990) (except maybe the animated TMNT).

If Shredder gains the upper hand early on, he might be able to overwhelm 89 Batman. But if Batman figures out that Shredder can become emotionally compromised, he might be able exploit that weakness and then press the advantage.

So, a beat down between those two could go either way.
Other DC Films & TV / Re: Superman (2025)
Wed, 18 Dec 2024, 20:43
A teaser for the trailer, ugh

Wasn't sure where to put this.

I'd watch it.
Apparently, I don't know as much about the Dexter canon as I thought I did.

Based on nothing, I assumed that Dexter and Harry never worked for Miami Metro at the same time, that Dexter's time in CSI predated Masuka's and that Angel Batista had only recently joined the homicide division maybe a two or three years (tops) before the first season.

Apparently, literally every single one of those things is wrong. It's not a big deal. But the backstory I imagined is simply mistaken, it seems.

Hall's voiceover works well. The clash with Gibson's voice is noticeable but not off-putting. Hall's Dexter has his "normie voice" and also his "Dark Passenger voice" and they're quite different from each other.

All in all, it looks like the faith that a lot of us had in OS is pretty well justified.

It's been forever since I last watched season 01. But there is a possible challenge going on with the canon. Iirc, Harry seeing Dexter's "handiwork" for the first time essentially drove him to suicide.

There's an argument that OS wouldn't be fulfilling its mandate if it didn't explore that storyline in greater depth. Thing is tho, the full significance of Harry's death has to be apparent to the audience but not to Dexter since he won't discover what happened until the first season of the main show.

It's not worth worrying too much about right now. But I am curious to see how that will work out.
I... guess I didn't realize Christian Slater was going to be in the series, let alone that he would be playing Harry.

I maintain that Original Sin probably has more gas in the tank than Resurrection. But I do wonder about the dramatic possibilities and how those stories might play out.

Still, I can't criticize the cast. A long time ago, I suggested that Aaron Ashmore would probably kill it playing a young Dexter. But this kid they've got in this new show looks pretty solid, I have to admit.
Movies / Re: Recommend a movie
Sun, 1 Dec 2024, 17:33
Not a single movie so much as a single playwright. But I've spent the last month or so watching a bunch of Shakespeare films. And I've really been digging them too.

  • Julius Caesar (1953, with Marlon Brando as Mark Antony)
  • Hamlet (1990, starring Mel Gibson)
  • Romeo + Juliet (1996, with Leo and Danes)
  • 10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
  • Hamlet (2000, starring Ethan Hawke)
  • Great Performances: Macbeth (2011, starring Patrick Stewart)
  • Macbeth (2015, starring Michael Fassbender)

It's been a very enjoyable experience watching them. One striking thing is how differently directors and actors interpret the same material. There are two Hamlet productions above and also two Macbeth productions. They're quite different from each other even tho they're ostensibly adapting the same play.

Since I'm a nerd, I have to make things more complicated than they need to be. So, in my imagination, Romeo + Juliet (1996), Hamlet (2000) and Great Performances: Macbeth (2011) all take place within the same shared cinematic universe. Not because they need to or because Shakespeare intended such a thing. I just like the idea of them existing in the same continuity with one another. They all occur in recent/contemporary eras, two of them occur in the US and they all use Shakespeare's original lines. So, it's not a total stretch on my part.

Anyway, so, if you're looking for a change of pace, I've REALLY enjoyed the above films.