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Messages - ElCuervoMuerto

This tread is one of the reasons I love this site. Has there been a feature posted of this, or just this forum tread?
Movies / Re: The RoboCop Thread
Sat, 1 Sep 2012, 08:33
On the one hand the cast is stellar (the idea of Keaton as the villain makes me giddy), and while I haven't seen his past films José Padilha is supposed to be a good director. On the other hand Drew McWeeny's script review wasn't exactly positive. So for now I'm in wait and see mode and hoping for the best. I hope we see an image of Robocop himself soon...
A lot of films are tied for me, but my number one is by a long margin:

The Dark Knight
Batman/Batman Begins

The Dark Knight Rises/Batman Returns (In a sense this two films are equals for me, I have a bit of issues with both films, and think that both take too much of a departure from "my" Batman. But I can objectively view both and admit that they are well made films.)

(big gap)

Batman Forever
Batman and Robin

As for '66, I'll leave it separate since it's a different tone and take on the character, but if you accept it for what it is it is an enjoyable campy comedy. But I don't really think I can rank it with the others (although I certainly enjoy it more than the Schumaker films).
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Sat,  1 Sep  2012, 01:28
The "Avengers ripoff" thing is on the table no matter what. But what DC can do to mitigate it (and it may already be too late for this) would be to build toward Justice League of America even slower... or maybe in a more indirect way.

Movie 01- MOS
Movie 02- The Flash (Superman cameo)
Movie 03- Wonder Woman
Movie 04- Batman reboot (Wonder Woman cameo)
Movie 05- World's Finest (Max Lord cameo)
Movie 06- Green Lantern reboot (only two people saw the original so this will be an easy sell)
Movie 07- The Flash 2 (Batman cameo)
Movie 08- Trinity (Max Lord cameo)
Movie 09- Green Lantern 2 (Superman cameo)
Movie 10- Justice League of America

The above is a more gradual approach, it addresses the need for sequels while still presenting audiences with new stuff in each movie and it allows for a shared universe to be built up over time. Plus, you can explore different types of conflicts between the heroes with the pre-JLA team up movies. Not fights necessarily but conflicts.

I agree with that general outline except that I would not have cameos of one hero in another heroes film unless it served the film's plot. You can have little easter eggs here and there and post credits hints of the next movie sure, but I think a appearance by WW in a Bats film would undermine Batman and vice versa. While I do want the next Batman film series to be more "comic-booky" and within a cinematic DCU, I do think that overall solo Batman stories works best when presented in a more-or-less "realistic" context (think the comics work best this way too). Not talking a TDK level of realism, but think Batman 1989. I would also skip the Words Finest and Trinity films and go strait for JL. Lastly, I would either make the GL re-boot a sequel, or just skip GL altogether and make him the "Hulk" of the JL film.
See, even with my disdain for the short tenure of Nolan's Batman I don't think I agree. Batan wasn't a suit he put on and off, it was a part of him. He might've only wanted to be "in action" for only as long as was necessary, instead of the open ended mission of all the other incarnations of Batman, but I still feel like it was part of his being. Look at Bruce's mental an physical state at the start of TDKR. He was a broken man mentally and physically. And that's because he felt he was forced out of being Batman before he was ready to be done IMHO (and then he failed again when he realized the reactor could be weaponized).
^Well, while I have my problems with TDRK, I will say that I did like it. The last third of the film is super exhilarating, and I didn't even mind Robin Blake inheriting Batman's toys. Honestly, my main problems with the film could've been fixed with dialoge. Have a line about how Batman only quit being Batman after the streets where actually safe (like 3-6 years after TDK), and then add a line about how Bruce had some secret bank account they didn't get to (explaining how in the hell Bruce got back from Bane's prison), and the film improves substantially for me.

While I still love the Nolan films, and I don't think the man has ever made a bad film, I do feel like TDKR is the first time he's made a somewhat mediocre film, Batman or otherwise. I'll write a proper review to post in the other tread latter. 
I feel like it's too soon.

I love the idea of a Justice League film; one that has all the big seven in them (although given the new 52 timeline, they may end up swapping in Cyborg for Martian Manhunter, which would be a shame IMHO). And while I think that a team up film as a springboard for the other characters can work well on a conceptual/storytelling level, I'm not to sure it's the best idea on a business level. Frankly, I'm afraid that if we see a new cinematic Batman in 2015 in a JL film, some people in the mainstream are gonna be asking, "why isn't that JGL? Wasn't he gonna be Batman now?"

I can sense what WB is thinking, and in a way they're between a rock and a hard place. Any JL film they produce is gonna seem like an Avengers ripp off, so they don't want to ripp of their approach. But frankly, I feel like this is the best way to do it. Start with Superman, then go to Flash or WW, then Aquaman, then Batman and then do the team up film (they should probably re-introduce GL in the JL film, given the solo GL film's poor reception).

I think this approach is best since a) it's too soon for a cinematic Batman IMHO, and b) I really want them to take their time with the JL fil and make it the most awesome film they can. I want Avengers blown out of the water. :)

QuoteOne of the things that irked me in the last Nolan film was 'Batman could be anybody.'  That's not quite true.  Anybody *could* be Batman if they were remarkable--like Bruce Wayne.  JL operates better for it.
It's one of the reasons I feel like TDKR "ruined" the Nolan series for me. Up until, it was pretty much "my Batman". But sorry, Batman can't just be anybody...

QuotePersonally, I don't question whether a JLA movie with Batman would work. 
But I do question whether WB, with their current track record and apparent desire to piggyback off Avengers by getting this JL movie out quickly, will pull off a JLA movie that works.  I really hope they do.

Bingo. I really don't want another Green Lantern, a film I was so looking forward to and I thought that they had nailed given the previews. And then it just flat out sucked.
Hello, Abraham here...

I was told about this forum after Gregg told me what happened to him "over there". While I do believe I had encountered this site before, I think it was a Burton Batman site only back then. While I love Batman '89, I consider myself mostly a fan of the comic book Batman so I think I archived the link as something for neat occasional reading, but I never realized this was a thriving community itself.

Not to make this introduction only about airing dirty laundry, but for a while had a problem with the attitude of the administration "over there", and while I've never been put down myself, when Gregg told me what happened to him and another member recently I was done. While I still may lurk over there sometimes, I just cant stand being a regular member there anymore given all the attitude and BS. So Gregg told me about this place and here I am. And I'm glad to see some familiar faces (Hi colors!). :D

As for my own personal Batman tastes, the funny thing is that Nolan's version is probably closer to "my" Batman than the previous series. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed in TDKR,and kinda felt like it ruined the series to me. Particularly how it cut Batman's tenure down to what...18 months? I like the idea of doings series where you go for "magic realism", but come on, gimme a tenure of 8 to 10 years!  :-[ Not to mention, if we are going for realism here, how the heck did Bruce get back to Gotham now that he's broke? But I digress...Needless to say, I like being at a pace when I can feel I can say that and not feel like the guy with a beer stain in my shirt at a party.

Anyway, looking forward to posting more, see you guys soon!