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Messages - ElCuervoMuerto

Movies / Re: Top 5 Anticipated for 2013
Wed, 16 Jan 2013, 19:12
Of the top of my head,

Man of Steel
Iron Man 3
Pacific Rim
Star Trek Into Darkness
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.

I'm sure there are more, including some smaller non-genre films, but or now these are the 5 I remember. However, MOS is definitively at the top spot.
QuoteNot to sound like a troll but why should a few fans dictate the fate of the franchise? The best part about the Nolan DKT was we had to wait several years for it. By the time Batman Begins emerged, the anticipation was fever pitch. I see the point that Batman could potentially become a series like James Bond (whereas you have several connected and unconnected storylines with the same or several different actors playing and/or reprising the same roles). It could work. I'm just not a fan of how all these modern superhero movies continually 'reboot' themselves after a few short years. I think it takes away from the acting performance put forth by the actor.

In a perfect word, I would agree with this. There are segments of the fandom now that are super pissed that the next movie Batman seems to be a more comic-booky one with JLA coming, and afraid that this may mean "doom" for Batman. If it was me, I would wait a decade before another Batman film. Put him on the shelf for a while and let the other DC heroes shine for a bit. Then he can have one solo film before the JLA movie (I know that because of money they wont wait a decade, but at least wait 5 years). As for the Batman as Bond thing, it could work, it could not, I really don't care. What I really don't wanna see is more long drawn out origin stories. Do "re-quels" a la Incredible Hulk (show the origin in the first 5 minutes and then be done with it) if you must, but I don't wanna see another montage of Bruce training for the sake of it. BB did it well, and that was less than a decade ago.
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Mon,  7 Jan  2013, 07:16
Quote from: SilentEnigma on Sun,  6 Jan  2013, 22:14
So by "fun" you all mean more fanciful sets, more screentime with Batman in suit, more exciting action, better fight sequences... not a lighter, goofier tone... We are in the same batskiboat.
Yes. The Arkhamverse is much in line with what I want in a reboot. I anticipated Arkham City more than TDKR. That series lets it all hang out - pretty much all of the villains appearing, Robin, Nightwing, Oracle etc but still remains very much about Batman doing cool stuff.

Agreed. As much as TDK is my favorite Batman film, It's time for a different tone. The Arkham games and Snyder's current run on the books are a perfect balance between serious and fun. It shouldn't be fun for batman, but it sure should be fun to watch Batman. And I really, really, really want Robin. As a teen. If this new series was a trilogy starting with Dick being taken in by Bruce and ending with him becoming Nightwing I would be a happy camper.
I enjoyed it. I was waiting for Murphy's cameo and when I first saw the trial set up I was like "Crane gonna be here". It was a nice way to unify the whole trilogy.
Apart from making Flash the one craving the media spotlight (I guess it worked on the JLA cartoon though), on paper this seems pretty alright to me. While I still think the team up first approach is pretty risky, I see no real red flags here in terms of not handling the characters and their world well. And I agree with Ral, just make a good GL movie and don't scrap was has come before. Recast if you must, but keep the same backstory (a la Ruffalo and Hulk). I'm still cautiously optimistic.
For those of you interested, Keaton is on the WTF Podcast today. I haven't listened to the whole thing myself yet, but since it's primarily a comedy podcast they discuss Keaton's stand up past first before moving into Hollywood and Batman. I love Maron's podcast and standup, so maybe this will also bring some of you guys in. Enjoy!
Comic Film & TV / Re: Doctor Who
Sat, 29 Dec 2012, 09:05
Now I have a reason to post here. My wife an I have been burning through all of NuWho since late September, thanks to it all being on Netflix streaming (series 7 we had to find via not so legal means). All in all I have to agree with what Gregg said, series 6 is most definitively my favorite. While Tennant is still my favorite Doctor (don't they say your first is always your favorite?), I think Moffat is a better writer than RTD, havign written my favorite episodes of all of NuWho. And I freaking love River Song.

As for "The Snowmen" itself, I was actually kind of disappointed, because the resolution at the end was just way to easy and well cheesy. I know this happens sometimes with Doctor Who, but it was a little hard to swallow. I think another 30-45 minutes to the story would've helped the resolution quite a bit. That said I loved all the set-up and explanation of the Doctor's retirement, and I'm really interested in the resolution of the new companion's storyline. I think my favorite of the Christmas Specials is "A Christmas Carol", since well a) it actually feels "Christmasy", and b) it features all of the weird time travel paradoxes that I enjoy about the Doctor.
This has made my evening.  :o  :D
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Sun, 16 Dec  2012, 08:02
Audiences clearly wanted a shared universe. That's not saying they want a live action version of the Superfriends but it has to be recognized that this is where the winds are blowing. For those put off by Batman sharing the stage with anybody, there are literally hundreds of hours of film and animation where he's the only game in town. Couple that with the fact that Batman has survived all these decades by being so malleable and I really don't understand why some people have this militant opposition to Batman in a JLA movie. Even if the end product sucks, he'll survive.

Agreed. My concern, if any, with DC going full speed ahead with a JL movie is the effect this can have on the rest of the DCU/MOS sequels (if it blows, we may never see Flash or WW again) But Batman will be fine. We've had dark and gothic, we've had "realistic", let's give "comic book" a chance.
Batman & Robin (1997) / Re: Batman batsuit
Thu, 13 Dec 2012, 19:25
While looking at it now I tend to think they're a bit too shinny and stiff looking, I've always had a soft spot for the Forever Sonar suit and Robin suits. Its the first time we got the big black Bat sans yellow oval in live action (I think at least) and I'm also pretty sure this is the first time they've showed Robin having gauntlet fins like Batman, a looks that's now been carried over to the comics.