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Messages - ElCuervoMuerto

What did people think of this weeks episode? That twist was pretty big to say the least. And for Doctor Who fans, who else expected Alex Kingston's first words to be "Hello sweety"? ;)
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu, 28 Feb  2013, 04:34
I don't care how arrogant this sounds, but frankly yes, people on this board could have written TDKR better than what we received. How? Just by watching the previous two movies. For example the tonal shift of TDK's ending with Gordon saying Batman's a badass that can endure anything – and then picking up with Bruce as a bearded recluse. It felt off.

Gotham apparently needing a hero with a face, to Bruce handing over to a pipsqueak vigilante and advising him to wear a mask. Again, it's off. We were led down a path of certain expectation and then it was taken away from us. But apparently that's our fault. All we did was watch the previous two movies. It makes one feel hollow as if the true conclusion hasn't been reached.

Couldn't agree more. Hell if the film where basically the same, but at first we see Bruce and battered because he's been battling crime and the cops for 8 years instead because he's sad he's retired it would've fixed a lot with me. That and giving me a logical explanation on how he got back from the pit with no funds...
Quote from: thecolorsblend on Thu, 10 Jan  2013, 06:04
That's a gripe of mine too. Basically, Batman shows up, does his thing for about one year (at the most), vanishes for eight years, comes back for, what, two or three appearances over a five or six month stretch. And I'm supposed to believe that on the strength of that, he becomes a hero that Gotham City will never forget.

Sorry. Don't buy it.

Yep. And I really liked the Nolan films. Robin aside, in the first two films Nolan's Batman was a good 90% the Batman in my head. But he took a sharp left turn with Rises.

Quote from: phantom stranger on Sun, 10 Feb  2013, 03:58
In my opinion, all of the film's flaws (and let's face it, it had a lot) can be attributed to Nolan's need for finality. In Dark Knight, all he wanted to do was tell an amazing story. With Dark Knight Rises, he wanted to (a) tell an amazing story, (b) have the story come full circle with the first film and (c) have that story serve as an ending point for the franchise.

These goals unfortunately conflicted with each other and the end-result was a haphazardly-edited film which tried to be everything to everyone but, imho, failed miserably.

I wouldn't say failed miserably, but it was definitely the weakest of the trilogy and IMHO the weakest of his filmography. But agreed on the 3 points. And again, really really like Nolan. Memento is still one f my all time favorites. And to see him make his one mediocre film be a Batman film bummed me the heck out...
Batman (1989) / Re: Rare Concept Poster art.
Sun, 24 Feb 2013, 10:10
I've always loved these old posters. There's something nice about seeing something done primarily by hand as opposed to just Photoshop. I really like the the first one, as weird as it is.
Well I remember having a Batman cake for either my 4th or 5th birthday (I know I had Batman and Superman cakes in a row, but don't remember the order. So damn like 25 or 26 years! I remember it all being due to the Superfriends, then B'89, then the 60's show. By the time the Bruce Timm series had come out I was already reading the comics.
That looks pretty awesome. I'm not in the position to donate any money sadly, but I am interested in seeing it when finished.
So when is this coming out? I'm actually looking forward to it. Heard it was delayed to tone down the gun violence in the wake of Aurora.
Other DC Films & TV / Re: Superman Lives!
Tue, 29 Jan 2013, 20:50
That trailer made me wish I could actually contribute to the funding of the Kickstarter campaign. As for that picture of Cage, it's funny how in B&W it reminds me a lot fo the current Empire MOS cover. The costume is also surprisingly a lot more traditional than I expected. The Schumacher like rubber muscles look silly in this context, but I do like that S-Shield quite a bit.
I think I'm one of the few people that would completely hate that idea. I never liked Batman Beyond (although I will admit some of the episodes where pretty good) for the same reason I have my reservations about TDKR, I despise the idea of Batman as a "legacy" character. Flash is a legacy character, so is Green Lantern, and hell Robin is too. But Batman? That's Bruce Wayne. In my perfect world, when Bruce quits or dies, that's it's. No more Batman.

Not to mention, if we where gonna see something like that post TDKR, I would think mainstream audiences would expect that to be Blake, not Terry. And I'm not interested in seeing that either.
^I would say Nolan's Joker had more of a Killing Joke influence, but that's probably beside the point.