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Messages - ElCuervoMuerto

Other DC Films & TV / Re: Man of Steel
Sat, 11 May 2013, 23:11
I really wouldn't care if Jimmy was changed to Jenny honestly. I think this movie is going to deal with Superman's reveal to the world and how Clark (the farm-boy Clark from Kansas) comes to turns with this. I'm willing to bet that Clark Kent the reporter/disguise is being saved for a sequel. I can even see the film ending with him putting on the glasses. 
Comic Film & TV / Re: Iron Man 3
Sat, 11 May 2013, 23:06
I saw it and thouht it was OK, but I wasn't blown away by it. The twist, I didn't mind because a) I don't really have an emotional invesment in IM as I do Batman, b) let's face it The Mandarin IS as total racist caricature that doesn't really work in our time, and c) the way they made Killian into a pseudo Mandarin at the end is sorta kinda close enough to the contemporary Mandarin for me not to mind. My main problem with the film is that the movie lost steam a the second half, the jokes stopped being funny, and they didn't really know when to have the funny, and when to go for the serious tension. I loved the first half, but then it just kind of falls apart.
Comic Film & TV / Re: Doctor Who
Sun, 31 Mar 2013, 04:03
I can't wait to see David and Matt together either. I also think it will be the actual 10th Doctor, but it would be cool to see them together no matter what they do.

And FWIW, I enjoyed the heck out of "The Bells of St. John" tonight. :)
Graphic Novels / Re: Batman: Earth One Series
Mon, 18 Mar 2013, 07:16
QuoteNo sequel but apparently a prequel is coming; year zero. Might be interesting but kind of sucks because it means there wont be batman.

Actually that's gonna be the new New 52 Batman origin. Not related to the Earth One continuity.
I have no problem with a CGI cape or a practical one. As long as the effects look good I don't care how they're achieved. Plus shots have shown us that he'll have a real cape as well. And I'm pretty sure that shot of the cape billowing in the snow in the trailer was achieved through practical effects. If it was CGI then they got some damn good animator working on the film!  :D
^While I think it would've been perfect if they nabed Bale for the role, I think Norton plus Keaton in a comedy sounds amazing. It'll also be fun to see Keaton adress the two things he's most famous for in one film (Batman and comedy)
QuoteThe "found footage" thing is just one way to do it. I don't like the nausea cam when it's over done (although I'm apparently in the minority view that doesn't think Cloverfield overdid it).

Anyway, point is that Cloverfield made it work by introducing the monster but not going into any detail about the creature's origins or, really, capabilities. More words rarely make a better explanation. So keep it simple.

Agreed. I think a "realistic" take (ie focus on the destruction of a real place and with real people) would be a really cool way to do it. You can always have a Godzilla Vs whatever movie as a sequel.

QuoteAs for the reboot, it's success for me depends on where it's set. Godzilla stories should be based in Japan, or at least in Asia. I know he's rampaged through other countries in some of the past films, but his activities should really be localised around Japan. Godzilla is an intrinsically Japanese character, just like James Bond is intrinsically British.

Hawkgirl is pretty much confirmed for team Superman, Flash so far has been presented as wavering between both sides.
I'm not gonna denny it, I'm as giddy as a 5 year old on X-Mas days at this news. :)
I agree, it's more interesting to me if Malcolm is the "Merlin" we know from the comics (plus if they're going to to keep on the "realism" beat, are they just gonna reveal that Tommy was a master archer all along?). This is really picking up, I'm glad I kept up with it because the second half of this season has been really good.