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Messages - eledoremassis02

Other DC Films & TV / Re: Superman (2025)
Thu, 19 Dec 2024, 15:21
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Thu, 19 Dec  2024, 14:23I don't wish to pour a steaming pile of Krypto dung over the project too much because I know Superman fans are crying out for some quality content. So this is just my opinion as a casual at best observer. The trailer fell flat for me. I don't feel a huge sense of excitement or hype after seeing the new footage. I'll check it out when the day comes, but I'm not counting down and having sleepless nights. The way the film looks is off putting to me. Just not feeling it right now. I don't know what I was expecting exactly but I don't think it was this.

I think, at least for me, it's not overly stylized like the Superman we've had the last 10 or so years but a lot not really as flat as a lot of the MCU movies. It's kind of in between and feel like a step down visually from the Snyder films since much of that was filmed in a studio and this looks to have a good amount of practical shooting (drones/onset). Visually it reminds me of Wonder Woman 84
Has anyone found subtle connections to Batman and Returns? 

- Catwoman being referenced
- Jack killing the Waynes flashback'
- Batman mentioning Joker/jack

One I just found
Some props are being sold and one of the covers features Bruce Wayne with a Gotham Globe paper

Batman (1989) / Michael Biehn's Batman story
Fri, 11 Oct 2024, 13:31
Interesting insight into early batman production
seeing a lot of mixed stuff (most people not liking the musical aspect). If this doesn't do well it'll be another unfortunate slam to more director-driven riskier films. Hopefully, this won't have a negative impact in The Batman 2
This is a new Batman Returns figure by Spin Master! It's not as tall as kenner and not as short as Spin Masters The Flash line. BUT! It's the perfect size for Kenners Batcave and Spin Masters Batmobile! The likeness is also spot in (better than Mattel or even Kenners old line.

If you can grab one (I could only find mine on then I'd say get it if you can!

Movies / Re: Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024)
Sat, 23 Mar 2024, 22:16
Its nice to see it seems like WB gave Burton the room to do what he wanted and I think that's reflected in this feeling like a reason to exist rather than an IP refresh.
Quote from: The Dark Knight on Mon, 11 Mar  2024, 09:10
Quote from: eledoremassis02 on Sun, 10 Mar  2024, 04:54Got the deleted line from Alfred. Haven't seen anyone post a clip of it

Also I noticed the one reporter who asks about Grisson before Knox asks his question was overdubbed in the final version, his real voice is in this concert mix and Alfred calls Vicki by name at the end when she looks at the Batsignal
Thanks for that. I like the silence of Alfred in the Final Cut because this is not a normal meeting. Alfred has facilitated an intrusion and is risking his employment. Her arrival by his side says enough, and once he's done his deed Alfred's out of there. In general I don't have a serious problem with the Bruce/Vicki scene taking place in the cave. It's Alfred's attempt at forcing someone into Bruce's life so he may attain happiness, giving more meaning to the line "I have no wish to fill my few remaining years grieving for the loss of old friends. Or their sons."

I also feel like Vicki figured out Bruce Wayne was Batman, came to the manor and told Alfred and Alfred figured "now that she knows"
Got the deleted line from Alfred. Haven't seen anyone post a clip of it

Also I noticed the one reporter who asks about Grisson before Knox asks his question was overdubbed in the final version, his real voice is in this concert mix and Alfred calls Vicki by name at the end when she looks at the Batsignal
Current Runs / Re: Batman '89 (2021)
Fri, 1 Mar 2024, 22:44
Some new things for Vol 2