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Messages - The Joker


Wizard article about the development of the "Tango with Evil" art piece by Alex Ross.


Artwork and packaging for Kenner's 1990 "Dark Knight Collection" Joker action figure (this particular figure was from wave 2, as "Sky Escape" Joker action figure was in Wave 1), that had more of Nicholson's likeness than what Toybiz provided in 1989.

Movies / Re: Matrix 4 Coming Soon
Sun, 12 Jan 2025, 06:46

Other comics / Re: Captain America
Thu, 9 Jan 2025, 04:21

Really can't disagree with anything you said. It's a clumsy way to retcon something that's, evidently, guided by one's own personal politics. I mean, if you really must address the 1950's Cap comics, it could've been easily explained as CA comics that exist within the 616, and moved on. It's also kinda amusing that this notion of numerous subsequent Captain America's (I think) started with a "What If" issue that got retconned into continuity because I guess someone must've really liked it. Isn't the 1950's Cap like Captain America #4 or something convoluted like that?

If there's a silver lining, I do like how Ed Brubaker brought the character back during his excellent run, and reconciled the character's history (Brubaker seemed like a real stickler to continuity, though largely doing away with the Grand Director crap) within Brubaker's ongoing story line, and eventually giving the character a proper and compassionate send off (well for comics anyways).
The Flash (2023) / Re: The Batsuit Thread
Thu, 9 Jan 2025, 04:03

I've watched the movie at least once after I bought it on blu ray, and I've since skipped around to re-watch the Keaton scenes.

It's one of those movies where, while you're watching it, you can never really get it out the back of your mind just how compromised the film really is. Where many, many people had their grubby little fingers in the pot. Making alterations, after alterations. HOW many scenes were scrapped? HOW many alternate endings were filmed? HOW many times was the release date delayed? It's hilarious just how much tinkering this movie endured, only for Warners to give Gunn the green light in stating that the movie is on a road to no where prior to release. Which is wild, and by saying that, I can't really fault the director Andy Muschietti for what we got. Some people want to make him the scapegoat, but the guy was coming off the IT movies, and clearly got hoodwinked into this where he soon found out he was basically reduced to a director for hire.

The bringing to fruition of seeing Keaton return as Batman was something special, but through no fault of his own, was it bittersweet in how it was handled. Or to be honest, bungled!
Other comics / Re: Wonder Woman (DC Comics)
Mon, 6 Jan 2025, 02:56

Wonder Woman art piece by Jason Fabok.


The Flash (2023) / Re: The Batsuit Thread
Mon, 6 Jan 2025, 02:47
Found this on X, and thought I'd share.

If I am remembering correctly, this was a image used to give an idea of what Keaton would look like in "The Flash", from a 2021/2022 Featurette (that youtube repeatedly took down and I had to go find it elsewhere), showing various concept artwork.

Interesting to get an visual idea of Jack's Joker sans the Dick Sprang inspired perma-smile.