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Topics - Sandman

Haha well not really! But I did find a character and took a few Screenshots that look a lot like him in the Original Arkham Asylum Game Trailer.
Comic Film & TV / Ironman 2
Sat, 8 Aug 2009, 05:35

Mickey Rourke looks like he's gonna steal the movie :D, Can't wait!
Has anyone watched the deleted scenes for BF?, Its like they cut all the best parts out, Had they cut some of the most silly scene's an added some of deleted ones Forever would be 10x what it is.

Two of the best scene that really shouldn't have been Cut both involve Val Kilmer and showed just how great his Bruce Wayne/Batman was, First is after the attack on the Batcave Alfred take Bruce to the cave where he fell as a child an finds his father Journal and after reading it finds out that there death was not his fault an then this is followed by a scene with the a bat that i can only say is incredible. The whole scene sh*ts on Nolans Begins Batcave scene, Believe it or not.

Second is a scene with Alfred an Chase which ends with Batman And Robin standing over Gotham much alike Batman did at the end of Batman89.

I don't know why alot of these scenes where cut, But whoever did it should be castrated because they totally ripped apart the best of Kilmer's Performance, Which after seeing these i would say is the 2nd best after Keaton.
I know its not new, But still....

I still don't forgive him >:( >:( >:( >:(
Batman Forever (1995) / Schumacher's Scarecrow
Fri, 13 Mar 2009, 00:51
I made the list out of names i have read were up for the role back in 99 or were suggested by fan's alot.

If you have any more tell me so i can add them ;)
OK lets try this again.

We all know how bad B&R is so what would be you idea's to fix it?

i'd go with:

-Keep Val Kilmer, Sure he wasn't th best but he did great with what he had and Val is just such a great actor with better script and no Schumcher who know's how well he could have been.

-NO Schmacher, I think that speaks for itself.

-Keep Nicole Kidman, She wasn't that bad and was 1000 times better then Elle Macpherson that was next to useless. I also hate when they never say what happened to his girlfriends what is this Bond or Batman.

-Keep Robin but NO BATGIRL, We all ready got Robin can't get rid of him without screwing somthing up and O'Donnell's fine for the most part just make him less whiney...but Batgirl...just not needed.

-Ditch the Neons.

Your ideas?
Batman & Robin (1997) / Could B&R been saved?
Thu, 16 Oct 2008, 23:29
We all know that Batman And Robin was horrible, but do you think it could have been saved? and if so which ways can you think of besides bringing Tim Burton and Michael Keaton back.

I would have like to have seen Val Kilmer return, now i know he was hardly to best, but he is such an exellent actor and easily could have done sooo much better and mabye if they had gotten rid of Schumacher we might have gotten to finally see how great of a Batman he could have been.

Got any more ideas?
Now i know there's heaps and everyone has there 1 thing they dislike most about his movies but i have to say my biggest beef has to got be he had such talented actors for his movies and turned them into jokes.

Tommy Lee Jones: Oscar winning actor that could have made a deep, dark, depressing Two-Face and NO we got a guy in half a pimp suit with jelly on his face on a sugar rush.

Jim Carrey: Although he does play alot of the same roles he could have made a good Riddler had he not acted like a effeminate weirdo.

But that was NOTHING compared to what came next.

Uma Thurman: Half okey for the most part over the top part to say the least though, toned down and been darker it would have worked.

Jeep Swenson : Could have been a great villian had he had another actor dub the voice but no all we got was a retard Baaaannnnnneee.

Arnold Schwarzenegger: No need to even explain this one everything about him was wrong thank GOD Anthony Hopkins didn't take this role.

This is somthing that's always interested me Jack Nicholson got paid for staring in both Batman and Returns but as we all know died in Batman.

And also originaly the character of Max Shreck was not going to be a corrupt businessman but the DA(hint hint) and was not going to die from the explosion at the end only be scared.

So what do you think Retruns would have been like had it had Joker and Two-face?
Misc. Burton / Batman turns 57
Sun, 7 Sep 2008, 23:31
I can't believe no one has said anything yet but 3 days ago Michael Keaton turned 57. I know it's abit late but happy Birthday to Mr. Keaton ;D
Batman: TAS (1992 - 1995) / The Batman
Fri, 25 Jul 2008, 03:20
Did anyone actully like this show? seriously i have never heard anyone(from other forums) say anything good about it. To tell the truth even i never liked it.
The Dark Knight (2008) / Deja Vu
Wed, 23 Jul 2008, 11:14
I don't know how it is in your country but here in Australia its returns all over again. I just read this and figured you all might get a kick out of it:

Iemma bids to stop Batman burger toy 

so far NSW Premier Morris Iemma wants a fast food chain to stop using Batman in a cross-promotion aimed at children.

Mr Iemma says it is inappropriate for Hungry Jacks to offer toys promoting the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight, with their children's meals.

The Dark Knight is classified M for mature audiences.

The premier, a father of four, says it sends the wrong message.

"It puts undue pressure on parents who are trying to explain to children why they can not see the movie," Mr Iemma said.

"It is hard enough for parents to resist a child's plea for toys let alone ones promoting an adult movie when they're free with kiddie meals."

Mr Iemma says that with Hungry Jacks advertising the promotion during children's programming, television stations should also consider pulling the ad during those times.

This is just like the Batman one. What are your top 5 scenes in returns? mine are:

5.When Penguin bites that guy on the nose.

4.Penguin taking over the Batmobile.

3.The scene when Penguin comes out of the water and tries to kill Batman and Batman turns around and they zoom in on his face only to see Penguin die all this with DE's music playing.

2.Selina's transformation into Catwomen.

and my all time fav.

1.When Batman rips off his cowl not only is it one of the best scenes in the movie but he looks killer in the Batsuit with no mask on one of my all time fav Batman images.
If so how was it? Was it as good as the hype that followed? love to get get everyone's opinions on it. I haven't seen it yet been to busy but i hope to go as soon as possible to the imax at sydney or if worse comes my friend can get me the dvd in a few weeks.
The Dark Knight (2008) / Dark knight Game
Tue, 8 Jul 2008, 04:08
With The Dark Knight coming out in a few days i was wondering if anyone thought it was kinda odd that they arn't bringing out a game on the movie it's strange if you think about it every other superhero type movie thats come out over the last 7 years or so has had its own game even Begins, so i found it odd anyway has anyone heard anything about why there not making one or anything at all about it?

And as sort of a second question if they were to make one what things would you like to see in it like take for example i would like to see:
-Take full advantage of the next gen graphics.
-Free roam around gotham instead of having just a basic level game like BB.
-Be able to drive the bat tank thing(i forgot the name)and batpod without having a chosen path.
-The batsuit thing again were once you finish the game you can play again in a different batsuit but instead of having all similar ones have the adam west cloth suit, keaton's batsuit 89 and returns, VK's forever suit and even Clooneys famous nipple robocop suit.
-Harder villians mabye even play as them.
Misc. Burton / A third burton batman?
Tue, 1 Jul 2008, 08:56
Would you like another burton/keaton batman?