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Topics - Kyle Grey

Hey Bat Fans,

So Im gonna take a long shot at asking, does anyone know if the 'film version'  of this awesome song is floating around in cyber space anywhere? if so, does anyone have it? It may be considered a demo even. I own both the cd single & 12" picture disc with the 'Catatonic Mix', but I love the version played during the movie (not at the credits). Its more orchestral, and extended even. I was hoping that it would have been included on the Expanded Score a few yeats back but unfortunately it was not. Any information is appreciated.

Customs / TDKR Catwoman Lace Mask
Mon, 24 Sep 2012, 21:12
So I was just curious if anyone knows where, or would be interested in commissioning Anne's Lace mask from the masquerade ball scene? I'm just looking for the mask. I saw some promo items on ebay, but i can't see spending close to $200 for the set. I'd love to have one for Halloween this year. 

Thanks Bat Fans =^+.+^=
I found this on youtube, it aired shortly after the release of BR. Anyone remember watching this amazing cartoon series? They were ALWAYS doing Batman cameo spoofs (it was WB after all). I didn't realize that Paul Dini and Bruce Timm were apart of this before BTAS! Makes sense though. In past episodes there were cameo spoofs by Keatons Batman and even Pfeiffers Catwoman. Other cameos included Nicholson, but as himself.  This episode however has Tim Burton (well a animated cameo spoof) on set to make "Batman 37". Kind of interesting since he was looking to make his Batman III anyways. Just fun to watch if you get a chance. Enjoy!

General Bat-chat / The (real) Catwoman Movie
Tue, 21 Aug 2012, 01:36
Since seeing Michelle dawn the mask & whip for Batman Returns, there has been a longing for a CATWOMAN based movie. (Wait. There was? Halle who? what are you smokeing?) I think that IF someone came along (Hell even Tim Burton) and didn't a Origin story, that was dark, gritty, and gave the character of Selina Kyle a REASON to become Catwoman (aside from BR), it might actually be success. Some good actors wouldn't hurt either! What are your thought's on how the story could develop?

Personally, I think her "post crisis/year one/Her Sister's Kepper" story line would be a good basis, obviously, it would need to be lifeted a bit so it meets Hollywood standards, but I think it's a good start. I read the script idea for the Pfeiffer spin off few years back. Not the greatest, and a tad bit silly, but better than "that of which we do not speak of"
SUCCESS!!! After 18 years, someone finally posted got smart and posted all the Mcdonalds Promos from Batman Returns on youtube! I'm soooo excited! There are 8 total. Some are slightly alternate/ editi versions of other commercials, but still fun. Enjoy!!!:

Happy Meal:

Promo 1:
Promo 2:
Promo 3:

Collector Cups:
Promo 4:
Promo 5:
Promo 6:
Promo 7:

Collctor Pens (Non USA):
Promo 8:
Hey Bat fans,

Here's pics of the catalog like I promised. I'm sorry they are not scans, i don't have a scanner, but I took pics with my dig camera. Hope thats ok. This was a rare find on ebay I got last year, and quite unique. enjoy!


Ok, so Ive been hunting for this forever it sems! This isn't the exact one I remember, but it does for now! It has "new" footage like in the Diet Coke commercial. Spliced pretty well to! Enjoy Batfans! Make me want McDonalds now. MEOW!

Hey Bat fans. IDK if this has been brought up, I looked and didn't see anything. Anyhow, I came accross this, it's the 'Complete' Score. MOST of the songs are from the currently released soundtrack, but some of the 'newer' tracks are actually audio rips from the movie I warn you. Thier not too bad, but if you listen hard enough, you can here the sound effect/voices in the background. And a few tracks the sound effects are clearly present.

If your interested, the download link is:

It's decent. Not the best, but it's cool for now, until we are given the REAL, complete score.

BE AWARE!!! This is a .zip file, and you may NEED a expanding program to extract the files inside. I use Shuffit 12 (Google it and there a free trial you can use)


Sun, 15 Mar 2009, 04:35
UPDATE!!!! (3/21/09) Since alot of you are asking for certian things on here, this is what I have done. I have broken this up into lots. So what you see is what you get. I hate to be that guy, but this is the best i can do. Spring simester is comming up and I NEED to pay for my classes. So either you take your chance here, or you can compeate with the rest of the world on ebay. each lot is a flat price, plush shipping to your area. Best i can do.  Sorry guys.

Hey Bat fans! So I have a bunch of stuff I need to get rid of. And rather than ebay it, I'd like to see it go to a fan who really would like it. So I have  quite a bit of a collection here. I'm trying to sell it all together. Enjoy

Misc Toy Lot - $20

Candy Medallions (30 Mint Candy filled Medallions) - $15

Lithoprints - $20 (set)

Folders & Buttons (Set) - $20

Mugs (2) - $20 (WB Store Exclusive)

Questions? Please feel free to PM me and I'll answer anything you have.

Thanks Bat Fans!

[ral (from the site rules) - Any trading is done AT YOUR OWN RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY! What you do in personal emails, PM's, etc. is your own private business. Do not ask or expect Batmanmovieonline administration to act as arbitrator to any dispute that comes up as a result of private transactions. Do NOT bring disputes about private trades gone wrong onto the forum. You entered into an agreement on your own terms, you must be responsible for the consequences.]
Ok ok, So I KNOW there is a post for all 89/92 commercials. But I thought maybe this would get a lil more attention. I know for sure SOMONE has this somewhere! And if they would be so kind as to post it. I'm putting a video together and Im using 'extra footage' not sceen in the movie (i.e. diet coke commercial, and this mcdonalds one, etc).

If anyone has it, or knows of where it's posted, PLEASE let me know!

As far as I can remember, it's a promo for the cups they had, and it has the Batmobile chasing Catwoman, then she morphs into her picture on her cup. Also there is a clip from B A T M A N that shows Joker's goon's cars chasing Batman.

Thats all I remember for now. I don't think there were several different ones. But again, any info is appreciated

Thanks Bat fans
Batman Returns (1992) / "Returns" Concpt Art
Tue, 18 Mar 2008, 20:51
I was just curious is anyone had any (other) pictures of BR concept art? Catwoman in particular. I've seen alot on the net, most are common pics, but some I saw the the SE DVD, I assume was intended for  Benning b4 Michelle pounced on the part. All info is apprecheated. Thanks.

***BTW, I ment for this as a "new topic" not "new poll". Sorry!***
Merchandise / The Purrfect Collection
Thu, 13 Mar 2008, 04:03
As it's pretty obvious, i'm a HUGE Catwoman fan.  Granted I was always a fan of "Batman" in general. My dad being a fan, and I loved the first movie, even though I was only 3, and I knew of Catwoman, thanks to the tv series that my dad & i used to watch, but it wasn't until 1992 that Michelle Pfeiffer sleeked into an all black rubber suite, and procaimed herself (the new) "Catwoman". Since then, Catwoman has always been my fav Batman character. And my 2nd all time fav comic book character (she's tied w/ X-Men's Phoenix/Jean Grey)

My Fav Catwoman being Pfeiffer, plus whole 87-93 era (that includes, Batman YR1, BR, and B:TAS, i.e. before the purple spandex) so thought I'd show off some of my (movie) collection. Granted this is just some of it. I got plenty more, when I get more pix of. From posters to pins, pencils, cups, figures, and the list goes on, including, that mask! Ive seen alot of B89 stuff on here, lots of custome figs, which, WOW, BIG PROPS TO YOU GUYS!!! All amazing! Two Cat Thumbs WAY UP!!!

Please also feel free to share you Catwoman collection as well. Im, "curious" to see what else is out there that I don't have.