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Topics - batz1989

Just wondering. He was up against 2 men and at least one of them was armed. Even if he didn't notice the gun before Jack started shooting, he should've at least inferred the possibility, I mean it is Gotham after all and he seems like a smart guy (being a surgeon and all).
Don't get me wrong I LOVE this film!
I'm asking this because the newspapers have events political events of 1947, but Jack Napier's police report says date prepared 6/23/1989. obviously in our reality historical events of 1947 didn't happen 1989, with fashion styles from both  decades mixed into '89. So this movie must be in a different universe, which it's pretty cool if you think about it, especially since some scientists believe there's actually different universes. but i'm probably looking to much into it, it's just a movie.
:( :'(