Ghostbusters trailer *Brand New* (2016)

Started by Grissom, Thu, 3 Mar 2016, 14:14

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Saw my first ad for this sh*t while watching a Jeff Dunham special. Ugh. The black lady, Leslie whatever her name is, there's a part at the end where she apparently tries to dive in the crowd and misses and lands on the ground and she goes "I don't know if it was a lady thing or a race thing" and at that point I just flipped the f***ing TV off. I've had enough.

I wouldn't be surprised if many people don't even know that a sequel to Independence Day is in the theaters right now. What happened to it?

Quote from: JokerMeThis on Mon,  4 Jul  2016, 01:07
I wouldn't be surprised if many people don't even know that a sequel to Independence Day is in the theaters right now. What happened to it?
Very true. That's been quiet as well.

If it exists, there's a female version of it. Rule 63.

Here's an interesting video recapping some of the dishonest and bullying tactics Sony has employed against fans over the past few months. If you don't already want this film to fail, you probably will after watching this.

The five stages of failure I'm predicting we'll see from Sony:

1)   The film underperforms opening weekend. Representatives of the movie issue statements blaming its unpopularity on sexism and misogyny.

2)   The film is annihilated by Star Trek Beyond during its second weekend (though I'm predicting STB will also underperform compared to the previous two Trek films). Someone at Sony comments on the disappointing box office performance, claiming that they're happy with the results and still have plans for a sequel in development. Alternatively, they might make a vaguer noncommittal statement about how they still have "big plans" for the franchise as a whole. They might try and show confidence in the property while distancing themselves from the reboot, touting the potential for spinoffs rather than direct sequels to Feig's film. Either way, they'll try and save face by acting like the franchise has a future at Sony.

3)   The film moves into VOD and home release windows. Here it fares slightly better than it did in theatres, mainly due to morbid curiosity from a microscopic portion of the 99.9999999999% of humanity who wisely decided not to see it on the big screen.

4)   Sometime in the future, Sony Pictures issues a press release detailing every film they currently have in production. Ghostbusters 2 is conspicuously absent from the schedule. Sony refuses to comment on the omission.

5)   Someone connected with the reboot is interviewed years from now. During the course of the discussion, the interviewer asks, "Whatever happened to that Ghostbusters reboot sequel?" To which the interviewee replies, "What sequel? Oh, that sequel. Yeah, it's been indefinitely shelved."

In the interests of wishful thinking, two further possible stages:

6)   Sony Pictures goes out of business and loses the rights to all the properties they were planning on rebooting/remaking. Spider-Man returns to Marvel Studios and Ghostbusters is laid to rest with dignity.

7)   Bill Murray tells us what he really thinks about the remake.

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Mon,  4 Jul  2016, 17:28Here's an interesting video recapping some of the dishonest and bullying tactics Sony has employed against fans over the past few months. If you don't already want this film to fail, you probably will after watching this.
Sony is in an interesting position right now.

The movie is modestly budgeted which, I assume, means it has a modest marketing push behind it. If the full weight of Sony Studios was behind this movie, I'm convinced they could buy a big opening weekend somehow. But something tells me that's not possible in this case.

So basically the movie will have to sink or swim by itself. That's bad news for Sony because not many people seem too interested in the movie and Sony has personally offended key demographic shares they need in order for the movie to gain traction. What little interest the movie seems to have comes mostly (based on what I've seen) from a sort of political ideology. "See this movie because it has women in it!"

Nobody can predict the future, especially not with a situation this unprecedented. But what I'll say is I genuinely don't know how the hell you come back from toxic buzz like new Ghostbusters has with so few resources and so little time.

What's really fascinating here is how the sex politics have been at play with this movie at literally every step of the way. From inception to opening day, it's All About Women. From the get-go the issue was framed (by force when necessary) that opposition to the movie is a weird type of misogyny.

This is honestly the first time I can remember a movie studio launching a smear campaign against their own audience to promote a movie. I've been interested in marketing for a long time now and I'm curious how this will play out. Something tells me it won't be so good.

By the by, the movie looks crappy as well but that's apparently not even the point anymore.

Jeez Independence Day: Resurgence is currently 5.6 on the IMDB. I didn't have much interest without Will Smith but figured it would still be a watchable blockbuster in the vein of Transformers. It does seem the producers and studio somewhat ran a smear campaign against Smith who mainly cites scheduling conflicts and contractual obligations as his reason for declining. I've seen several people involved in the film bring up After Earth's failure when discussing Smith which to me is a low blow.

Part of me is wondering if SONY is intentionally causing this film to be a trainwreck at this stage. Clichees like "bad press is better than no press" or "people can't help but slow down and look when they see a car accident" come to mind. Some people will go see it for the controversy alone.

This will definitely be a film in which you can't trust IMDB ratings; expect plenty of votes of 1 once voting opens up.

Quote from: JokerMeThis on Mon,  4 Jul  2016, 01:07
I wouldn't be surprised if many people don't even know that a sequel to Independence Day is in the theaters right now. What happened to it?

Alot of that is probably due to just a lack of relevance with the general public.

Sometimes waiting 10-20 years to do a follow-up works, sometimes it doesn't. Clearly in the case of ID4, it didn't work. Certainly not as well as exec's were hoping. Now if the follow-up had been ready by say ... 1999, or 2000. Maybe even 2005. I can easily picture the film doing quite well. Maybe not as successful as the original, but well enough to perhaps justify the thought of a 3rd film in the series. Unfortunately, too much time has passed, and it's just not a very relevant property. Unlike other films that have a strong nostalgic following that includes various forms of merchandising (Transformers, Back to the Future, Alien, Predator, TMNT, Karate Kid, Robocop, or hey Ghostbusters! ect), ID4 pretty much enjoys none of that. As you really don't ever see someone walking around with a ID4 movie shirt, or say even cosplayers as the ID4 aliens. Nothing. Merchandising? Zip. What was once a complete spectacle to see in 1996, has become very routine in 2016.

Can't say it's surprising that there's just a severe lack of interest.

"Imagination is a quality given a man to compensate him for what he is not, and a sense of humour was provided to console him for what he is."

I really want this to bomb hard. HARD. It's obnoxious. The whole undercurrent that anyone who critiques the film is sexist. Entertainment being hijacked by such issues just pisses me off to the extreme. But the filmmakers actually double down on this and throw it back in your face. Seriously? Get the eff outta here. If you want to be treated equal, don't complain when it's too equal. I won't watch the movie, but I'll watch the aftermath with glee.