Batman: Caped Crusader (2024)

Started by Travesty, Wed, 19 May 2021, 14:10

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Not digging that Harley outfit. Is there something wrong with sticking to her original red/black outfit?

AM digging that Catwoman outfit tho. Fifties chic, I like it!

All in all, this isn't shaping up too badly at all. I regret Jar Jar Abrams's involvement. But aside from him (and that wonky Harley outfit), this series looks pretty good.

Quote from: Slash Man on Thu,  9 May  2024, 23:49The first African American police commissioner was appointed in 1984, and this show is supposed to be early 40s?
We're not allowed to see the past as it actually was, didn't you know?

I dig how this looks overall. It has a specific theme and edge differentiating itself from the usual, going through the motions fare. I'll be watching.

Quote from: Slash Man on Thu,  9 May  2024, 23:49The first African American police commissioner was appointed in 1984, and this show is supposed to be early 40s?
Indeed. They're going hard on black American Gordon. The Lego movie, The Batman and now this.

Quote from: Travesty on Thu,  9 May  2024, 23:02

The purple cowl, dress and cape ensemble has always been my favourite Catwoman costume. I don't know if it'd work in live action, but it looks good here.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 10 May  2024, 03:16I dig how this looks overall. It has a specific theme and edge differentiating itself from the usual, going through the motions fare. I'll be watching.

Quote from: Slash Man on Thu,  9 May  2024, 23:49The first African American police commissioner was appointed in 1984, and this show is supposed to be early 40s?
Indeed. They're going hard on black American Gordon. The Lego movie, The Batman and now this.

Yeah, not sure if you guys noticed, but Harley is also swapped to an Asian chick.

I dunno, I'm not a big fan when they do this, and it looks like they're going out of their way with this show, but whatever, it is what it is. I remember being very vocal about Nolan race swapping Ra's and Bane in his trilogy for some white guys, but again....whatever. If it feels forced, I'll call it out. At least in Nolan's trilogy it felt natural. Same with Matt Reeves' Gordon(who I think is my favorite live action version). So we'll just have to see, but it does feel out of place for the time period. That is something to think about. So we'll see.

But overall, I'm pretty stoked for this show. And it's only a few months away.

Quote from: The Dark Knight on Fri, 10 May  2024, 03:16They're going hard on black American Gordon. The Lego movie, The Batman and now this.
Canonically, Babs is supposed to be a redhead. We know how well redheaded characters do when adapted into other media these days. How else can you have POC Babs unless her old man has been race swapped too?

Quote from: Travesty on Sat, 11 May  2024, 15:16Yeah, not sure if you guys noticed, but Harley is also swapped to an Asian chick.
It's the prerequisite for any show or movie now. Gordon has become black and it seems to be a permanent mainstay. Same for Perry White, at least in the movies. All I can hope for is the main characters remain looking like the main characters. That's thankfully been the case for Batman and Superman so far.

Quote from: Travesty on Sat, 11 May  2024, 15:16Same with Matt Reeves' Gordon(who I think is my favorite live action version).
I have to say the Pattinson/Wright dynamic is probably the best in the film series. I daresay even more so than Bale/Oldman after just one film. They're direct and frequent collaborators out in the field and you feel their mutual trust and respect. So there's that.

Quote from: Travesty on Sat, 11 May  2024, 15:16But overall, I'm pretty stoked for this show. And it's only a few months away.
Same. We also have The Penguin and Joker 2, which makes 2024 a decent year for content.

Sun, 12 May 2024, 12:52 #56 Last Edit: Sun, 12 May 2024, 13:10 by Kamdan
Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Fri, 10 May  2024, 22:07
Quote from: Travesty on Thu,  9 May  2024, 23:02

The purple cowl, dress and cape ensemble has always been my favourite Catwoman costume. I don't know if it'd work in live action, but it looks good here.

I've always been a fan of this cosplay of this iteration that brilliantly used Yvonne Craig's Batgirl cowl for the mask.

Quote from: thecolorsblend on Sat, 11 May  2024, 16:38Canonically, Babs is supposed to be a redhead. We know how well redheaded characters do when adapted into other media these days. How else can you have POC Babs unless her old man has been race swapped too?
It really is a bizarre and unfortunate stance being taken against redheads. At this point we need Jessica Chastain or someone like her cast as Poison Ivy to restore order.

At some point I'm hoping the Mad Monk/Monster Men arc gets adapted. That has the potential to be one of the best bunch of episodes from anything if done right.

Dude! I mean, come on, this looks fantastic! I can't tell you how psyched I am for this. This is the exact setting I wanted for live action. Sure, I would do the costumes differently, but man, this looks soooo good.

I'm so stoked for this!  8)

It feels like ages since we last had a Batman animated TV show. I'm looking forward to checking this out. I've been re-watching B:TAS on Amazon in preparation for it.