Rank your top five Batman animated movies

Started by The Laughing Fish, Mon, 8 Jun 2015, 03:33

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I'll start by listing my top five (solo) Batman animated films:

  • Batman: Under The Red Hood - This one takes the cake for being the most exciting and suspenseful. I like the troubled history between Bruce and Jason Todd paved the way for events that later unfolded when the Jason became the Red Hood, and I love how the final confrontation exposes Batman's crippling fear of losing control if he began killing off psychopaths like the Joker. You could sympathise Jason to an extent.
  • Batman: The Dark Knight Returns - Part I - Like in the comics, the first half of TDKR is my favourite part of the whole story. Batman comes back from retirement and kicks ass, but he finds some difficulty to cope because of his age, enlists Carrie Kelley as Robin and gives people in Gotham some hope to stand up to themselves in the end. This adaptation does a number of things that are a lot more nuanced than the comic i.e. Batman confronting the military general who has been supplying weapons to the Mutants to cover the costs of his dying wife's medical bills, and Bruce telling the bat "you're not finished with me" in the Batcave, as we see a quick glimpse of his child self staring at his future Batman self inside the casket where his father was lying a moment ago for a surreal flashback.
  • Batman: Mask of the Phantasm - For my money, this is THE best on-screen origin story for Batman to date. I love how Bruce is so determined to become a crime-fighter...until he meets Andrea Beaumont and was overwhelmed by having the opportunity to find happiness in his life. Sadly, the mob and the Joker took all of that away and it became destined that Batman and Phantasm were to be created.
  • Batman: Year One: Both this and the comic does feel like more of a Jim Gordon origin story at times, but I love how Gordon feels conflicted about working in a corrupt system, but still finds it morally troubling to approve an outlaw like Batman despite the fact that he is doing more good by effectively cleaning up Gotham.
  • Batman & Mr. Freeze: Sub-Zero - It's really a one big episode of BTAS, but it's really my favourite Mr. Freeze story. I know he loses his whole body by the time we see him in TNBA, but I wished his character arc ended when he wanders happily into the arctic upon knowing that Nora has come out of her coma.

Feel free to share your top five favourites!
QuoteJonathan Nolan: He [Batman] has this one rule, as the Joker says in The Dark Knight. But he does wind up breaking it. Does he break it in the third film?

Christopher Nolan: He breaks it in...

Jonathan Nolan: ...the first two.

Source: http://books.google.com.au/books?id=uwV8rddtKRgC&pg=PR8&dq=But+he+does+wind+up+breaking+it.&hl=en&sa=X&ei

I need to do a lot of rewatching and watching before I can pick a top five, but I like your list (haven't seen TDKR though).

I will say that to me, MOTP is perfect. I can think of at least one thing (usually more lol) that I would change with every Batman movie, even Batman Returns. MOTP is perfection. I wouldn't change or even alter a single thing. The characters, the story, the voice acting, the animation, it's just perfect from start to finish and top to bottom.

Red Hood is great too. Has that same heartbreaking nature as MOTP with such great quality. They are the two best to me. In the top 5 Batman movies ever for me. MOTP may be #1.

Catwoman, you need to see TDK Returns. It's one of the best Batman movies out there.

I will. I did read the comic and loved it but just haven't had a chance to see the movie. Is it like Year One and is basically every page of the book brought to life?

Pretty much, yes. And there are some additions and minor differences too.

Seeing the film made me appreciate the book a whole lot more.