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Topics - Bobthegoon89

Batman (1989) / Young Jack Napier's sidekick
Mon, 17 Sep 2012, 21:38
Lots of people have claimed the other gunman who accompanies Jack Napier in the murder of the Wayne's is Joe Chill. Personally I always thought this was merely an attempt to try and align the origin more with the comics.

I actually always believed as a kid this second gunman was in fact......Bob the goon as a younger man!

There is no evidence either way to suggest the identity (nothing is in the credits as "Young Bob") but there seems to be clues. Jack and Bob clearly always trusted one another and you can imagine them coming up together in the underworld as teens. They also seem to be around the same ages.

The biggest evidence I have to suggest this theory is a line uttered by Bob at Axis Chemicals: "C'mon Jack let's go!". Not a special line but in the Wayne murder scene this second mugger panics and then yells: "C'mon man let's go, let's go Jack!". I doubt it was intended as a signpost for later in the film but it's pretty coincedental and something Bob actually says. The fact he has a tendency to panic also is seen in the scene where he runs off from a challenge by Batman.

The final episode was the less than steller "Mayhem, Millionaires and Minerva". Hardly a swansong for such an iconic 60's show. I guess they didn't ever really go for a spectacular final ever episode because they probably didn't think it would be the last one.

But Batman as a show gets somewhat muddled in it's vague continuity anyway. Therefore can we say that the 1966 feature film is more a satisfactory ending to all 3 seasons than a bridge to season 2?

I mean look at the final scene. Yes it's an absurb "mixing of minds" moment but Batman and Robin silently going to the window and saying the melancholic line "Are jobs are finished" would have been a fantastic last exit. Agree? It has more a feel of a finale to me than an ending to merely a movie. And the very last shot of Batman and Robin descending the building is surely a chapter closer....?

"The Living End.....?" (What the hell does that mean anyway? lol)

Batman (1989) / Times Square Bat Logo 1989
Thu, 30 Aug 2012, 19:29
Anybody remember the cool Batman logo poster they put on display overlooking Times Square in the summer of 1989?

I recently visited the city with my family. Despite the amazing lights and billboards that sqaure boasts that old poster was the first thing that sprang into my mind on seeing the place lol I even was able to point out where it once proudly hung. Unfortunately the super hero it now showed off was the awful Green Lantern film. Modern times eh? *groan*

Anybody have any screenshots of the location at the time and this image? I think there is a great shot of it on the Batman dvd looking down on the square. Been looking for a photo I can use as a screenshot on my FB profile or something. My two fave things combined: Batman and the bright lights of New York.
Batman: TAS (1992 - 1995) / The Mechanic
Wed, 29 Aug 2012, 18:07
By far my favourite episode of the entire animated series. Anyone seen this origin of the Batmobile story? Such a simple idea but so great.

I must say I've always prefered this story of the Batmobile's beginings to anything in the comics and especially Batman Begins. I've always had trouble with the Batmobile coming from Wayne Enterprises. Surely some scientist or whatever who worked on the thing would recognise it? They answered it (kinda) in The Dark Knight with the Coleman Reese subplot. To me though that showed the weakness of the idea being simply a Wayne Tech invention that can always be traced.

This animated counterpart is so much better to me. You even get a few Batman Returns connections: The Penguin remote controlling the Batmobile (again!) and even a sequence with the Duck Boat which has a design straight outta the film.
Some US Batman fans have commented on youtube videos about the show and are less than impressed with what they are seeing. I think some will change their minds when they actually see how good the thing really is. One character in particular has gotten them worried: Harley Quinn. In particular her costume.

But to those who have seen it (myself included) we will know how great a job that actress did. Did she steal the show? Her voice was absolutely 100% I thought. This actress surely watched a stack of the animated series in preparation for this lol

Of interest in the Batman Live collectible booklet it says she even appeared as an extra in Batman Begins! One of the opera cast in the scene before Bruce Wayne's parents are killed. A nice connection to the film series.
Just caught an episode of Batman I've long since dreaded seeing: the one in which John Astin replaced Frank Gorshin as The Riddler!

Amazingly I didn't hate the thing as much as I expected I would. It's clear Astin is nowhere near as spectacular as Gorshin but he did a passable job nevertheless. What was your first reactions at seeing this change?

It seems Astin's contribution to Edward Nygma has been all but forgotten but I noticed watching him how he constantly twirled his riddler cane prop. Remind you of anyone? It would seem Jim Carrey did some research on this episode and how to handle his own trademark weapon....

All I can say is thank god they didn't replace Burgess Meredith as The Penguin! Can you imagine???
Anyone have this vhs of the making of the Sega Video Game? I've looked on youtube to no avail.

I have this thing. It's a short 5 min video I think I got with the Batman Forever vhs. It shows some behind the scenes greenscreen moments of them recording the stunt men for the game characters intercut with footage from the movie, game and interviews with the creators.

Might be an interesting gem to find and share. I don't think anybody anywhere has it and my vhs machine is long gone so even I can't watch the thing. Still have the tape though. Anyone else seen it?
I was stunned and delighted when I bought a not too old copy of Batman Confidential and saw that some DC people had actually incorporated the character of King Tut into the Batman comic universe. Yes that King Tut. The character invented for the Batman series who to me while being the most memorable, is surely the esscence of the "camp" in tv Batman villainy lol

Obviously he was a little different from his tv counterpart - which is to say a LOT. Still a cool and wacky idea I'd never imagine seeing.

So why don't they give it a try with the other characters who were strictly invented for the tv show? Might be interesting and certainly creative to see. Not all of them would work of course (can you really imagine Shame galloping around Arkham Asylum? Maybe Jonah Hex.....?).  Also Louie the Lilac is too male orientated Poison Ivy.

I used to dislike the newer villains who would pop up on the show than the more familar and classic Bat villains but having seen a few recently on tv their not quite as bad to watch as I thought. Always liked Ma Parker! lol Just a nuts idea for a villain character (ever seen that rocket powered escape wheelchair she used? lol). Some were even originally IN the comics such as False Face (just 1 issue!) and even the storyline and characters from the episode "Zelda the Great"!

So who do you think should get the honour if it happens again? And how would YOU reinvent them to fit the gritty post Miller Bat universe...?
I'm as much a Superman fan as Batman. But I gather many of you may not....?  ;D Didn't realise how loathed the Man of Steel is these days. That's sad. Fingers crossed that may change next year with a lil movie coming up. Although this fan is none too happy they've jettisoned the classic John Williams anthem. Madness.

Anyway back in the early 90's just after Returns there was talk of putting Chris Reeve's Superman together with Keaton's Batman in a kind of spinoff. A cool thing never to be in my book. I think it was an abandoned idea to restart Superman in the nineties. I would have found it so cool and mad to see Chris Reeve on the set of a Burton designed Gotham City. It would just look bizaare when you see Superman in the more realistic New York/Metropolis world of his own series of films.

People have often argued it wouldn't be a great idea but if it had been Keaton and Reeve that would have been amazing to see. Anybody have information regarding this?
Ok. Any idea when these babies are due? Or anyone have an update of them like prototype photos online? Hot Toys make quality stuff but I now know they are notorious for release dates. Oh the nightmare I had trying to get that Keaton figure. We're told these are out late 2012, I like to think they are being released for the anniversary.

So far though we still have zip information. If pics don't turn up soon what are the chances of them arriving by the end of the year? I'd love to get one for Christmas to mark the anniversary.

I'm hoping the Penguin will be presented in his "Things change" scene garb. But is that too much detail to ask for? I mean that costume is hard to copy in figure form.

I know fans are going crazy about a Hathaway Catwoman figure coming up. Personally I'm saving my money for the main event. You just know that Pffeifer one is going to blast her's off the shelf lol
20 years of Batman Returns / The Controversy
Mon, 13 Aug 2012, 18:00
Looking back anyone else feel all that backlash was a bit harsh?

I find it interesting that there were several controversial movies released that summer that were not to everybody's taste. Over 20 years however an audience has come back to them. Aside from Returns there was also Alien3 and even Bram Stoker's Dracula, all celebrating 20 years and all favourites of mine. But all were ahead of their time in terms of bleakness and doing things in a sequel the public did not expect nor want perhaps.

Are any videos available on youtube from around the time discussing the backlash with those irritating parent groups? lol They must be hilarious to see. I still to this day remember passing my local cinema, seeing Returns on the marquee and being turned down in seeing it by my mum lol Luckily I got it on VHS for that Christmas. It was like finding the Holy Grail. A new Batman film I hadn't yet seen! Just remember staring at the cover all that morning (that great 3 character poster). 
Grauman's Chinese Theatre did their entire building up in Batman Returns imagery. White Bat logo and huge standees of the main characters. Was anybody there at the time or any major premiere for that matter? And who attended? I read James Caan (from The Godfather) went to see it.