Warning: FAKE Dark Knight Rises Teaser

Started by BatmAngelus, Fri, 17 Jun 2011, 18:24

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Fri, 17 Jun 2011, 18:24 Last Edit: Fri, 17 Jun 2011, 22:11 by BatmAngelus
Just to warn everyone, there is a fake Dark Knight Rises teaser trailer online featuring only words and a shot of bats flying over a red sky that is being passed off as real and playing in front of Green Lantern this weekend.  A contributor to the site Comic Book Movie "leaked" it out and everyone on that site and on YouTube & Tumblr is eating it up without thinking about the facts.

1) Nobody who's watched Green Lantern from midnight until now has stated that they saw this in the theater.

2) Yes, it looks like it was shot in a theater with a crowd, but that can be faked as well  If you don't believe me, look at this supposed pirated trailer of the Flash from 2009:

If anything it sounds like audio from a Comic Con crowd, rather than a real movie-going audience who probably wouldn't be as enthusiastic.

3) Why hasn't any other news site picked this up?  Comic Book Movie.com is fan submitted and is a notorious haven for misinformation and rumors.  I only visit it as a linking site when it DOES pick up legit information from real sources (i.e. industry trades and legit newspapers like Hero Complex at the L.A. Times).

Oh, and when we're on the subject, ALL "Fire Rises" "viral videos" on YouTube are faked and edited together from past TDK virals and footage from other movies like Bronson.  As of now, there has been no official footage from the movie whatsoever because filming JUST started.

Yes, the amount of "fake" footage is getting annoying, but I have to say that I'm more annoyed by how gullible so many people have become in buying things like this without using the slightest bit of brainpower that biology has generously given them.
That awkward moment when you remember the only Batman who's never killed is George Clooney...

Fri, 17 Jun 2011, 21:35 #2 Last Edit: Fri, 17 Jun 2011, 22:11 by BatmAngelus
Comic Book Movie is now claiming it came from a screening in Italy:
"Last night an Italian CBMer (from the country of Italy) emailed us saying that he had seen Green Lantern (in Italy) and this trailer was in the previews. And, that his buddy was going that night and he would try to capture it and post it. This they did, as you can see. While we have no way of knowing for sure if it is totally legit, the production quality as well as the clear audience reaction to it made us feel that it was something you'd want to see--AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF BY USING THE CONFIRM OR DEBUNK VOTING SYSTEM WE DISPLAY AT THE BOTTOM OF EVERY ARTICLE DESIGNATED A "SCOOP". Even though the contributor's headline and teaser originally stated that this is the real thing, please note, that we put question marks in our top story and did not come out and announce that this was a confirmed trailer. The fact that WB hasn't immediately called us to remove it is some evidence that this may indeed be a fake. But if it is, you have to admit, its a well-done one. While /FILM and others are quick to dismiss this as a fake, it is also quite possibly a "test teaser" done out of country to gauge audience reaction. This is known to be done as well. So again, it is up to you whether to believe it or not. Only time will tell. When and if, it is a confirmed fake, we will report that as well."

So that explains why there's Italian subtitles...oh wait.  There aren't any.

Batman-News posted more evidence of the hoax, pointing out how this particular version of the MPAA opening is no longer used:
That awkward moment when you remember the only Batman who's never killed is George Clooney...

I'm pretty sure MPAA doesn't apply in Italy either

People are just starving for material. They want to believe it. TDKR just isn't fun to follow. WB need to release something official. A clear shot of the logo. A vehicle. Something. Otherwise it's just going to be leaked ala that high profile cameo, or flooded with these fan creation imitations. It's as if WB are happy to sit on their hands while Nolan and co. make the film, and watch the millions roll in when it does open.

Personally, I think the fake trailers are fun, so long as they're well-made.

But very few are...

Quote from: phantom stranger on Sat, 18 Jun  2011, 02:48
Personally, I think the fake trailers are fun, so long as they're well-made.
Agreed. Fans being fans.

If this wasn't made, what would there be to talk about during those long stretches?

Although I hear whispers that Catwoman will soon be revealed in a viral. Which I can't wait to see.

Wed, 13 Jul 2011, 13:57 #8 Last Edit: Wed, 13 Jul 2011, 15:51 by Paul (ral)
I am not playing games. The legit trailer has leaked. Someone filmed it.

[link removed at request of Warner Bros -  :( Paul]

My thoughts on it later.

Seen it, just say one thing, watch with a tissue cause it'll cause major jizzage!