Batman Forever Movie Poster Nitpick

Started by BatmanFurst, Sat, 11 Apr 2020, 09:19

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This is such a nerdy nitpick, but it does bother me every time I look at the poster. Has anyone else noticed that on the poster Val Kilmer's head is in the Panther suit, but the arms and cape are from the sonar suit?

I never noticed that before. Well spotted!

My guess is the sonar gauntlets were used because the panther gauntlets might've looked weird on the poster.

I had no idea, very well spotted.

It's something I've long been interested in: just how many people pay attention during day to day life? I think most people are too wrapped up in their own reality to notice and remember details. I find being brazen about something can often be your best bet, as people just assume it's meant to be happening and 'part of the plan'. And if events are remembered, details are hazy to the point of being unreliable.

But anyway, still a fan of the poster. Very nostalgic.

lol, I've never noticed it, but I haven't really looked at the cover that long.

I've been meaning to re-watch this movie. It's been many years.

Quote from: Travesty on Sun, 12 Apr  2020, 21:57
I've been meaning to re-watch this movie. It's been many years.
I recommend it. Forever is big on spectacle and has surprising depth.

Apart from being associated with B&R, I think a lot of the savaging is due to the portrayal of Two-Face, which doesn't really bother me that much anymore. TL Jones was mostly aiming for entertainment value, but I feel he did capture a restless frustration, especially evident during his "Why can't you just DIE?!' outburst. He's trying and trying to achieve something and he really wants it. We now have many incarnations of characters. Some are better than others, but the variety is there.

Joaquin Phoenix says he doesn't believe in 'out of character' behavior when depicting fictional characters, as he himself does 'out of character' stuff all the time. He makes a good point which can be applied to various critiques, such as re-flipping coins for desired outcomes.

Forever is nothing to be ashamed about as a Batman fan. I'm happy to include it in the 'good' category. I was 6 years old when it came out, and everything seems special when you're a kid. But I do think the film was very much Batman as a big action icon. He was the first comic character to really branch out into an extended filmic franchise, and he had the place all to himself.

I actually watched it last night. TLJ is still annoying, but the movie is still enjoyable.