Sleepy Hollow is BATMAN III

Started by ZUPERZERO, Fri, 1 Feb 2008, 06:59

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Hi I'm a Great Burton Fan from Mexico(sorry my english), and i believe that Tim Burton Tries to put some kind of batman 3 story in his another movie: "Sleepy Hollow", see:

-Inchabot Crane is a detective like batman, both characters decide to become that because of their childhood traumas.

-Young Masbeth character is just like Robin, both joins the hero in their crusade to revenge the death of their parents. (curious: there's a scene where Michael Cough(Alfred) is with Inchabot C and young Masbeth)

-Inchabot Crane and Bruce Wayne are saved because of something they had in the poket of their shirts.

-the story of sleepy hollow is full of mistery and riddles, maybe that's  the way Burton saw a "Riddler" Story, and the Headless Horseman costume always remind me the Bat Costume.

what do yuou think???

I never thought about it before.  But I suppose there are some similarities.  But then again, you could look at any movie and see connections.

That is interesting.  They always say that auteurs are always trying to make the same movie - and Tim would be the most obvious auteur in the mainstream.

FYI, auteur -  considered to have a distinctive, recognizable style, because they (a) repeatedly return to the same subject matter, (b) habitually address a particular psychological or moral theme, (c) employ a recurring visual and aesthetic style, or (d) demonstrate any combination of the above. In theory, an auteur's films are identifiable regardless of their genre.

oh, btw, welcome to the site zuperzero

I think you need to lay off the tequila.

Movies done by the same director have similarities in style, that goes without saying. I think you're blueprinting them out like that is stretching it too far.

The B89 photos you refer to will soon be back in our hands.

im only saying that there are those references: for me Young Masbeth character is clearly a robin reference, i believe that in the Sleepy Hollow book or in any other interpretation, there are no young masbeth's company

I think the Masbeth character is only there to help Crane come to terms with his family and social issues - at the end we see Crane and his "family" walking down the street and he is very much at ease having faced his demons.

Conversely, Robin should never soften Batman, IMO.