Cultural Allusions in Batman (1989)

Started by Paul (ral), Mon, 30 Jan 2017, 15:54

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Silver Nemesis has put together another awesome article for the site - this time "Cultural Allusions in Batman (1989)"

Amazing job Silver Nemesis!

There's references I didn't pick up on until now.

You've made me appreciate B89 all over again.

Thanks for the kind words, fellahs. I had intended to include a sample from The Wolf Man (1941) soundtrack to illustrate the similarities with Elfman's music. But just last week, Universal decided to block every YouTube video containing the score. You can however hear a tiny snippet of the Batman theme in the following clip. Listen carefully during the 00:10-00:25 section and you'll hear it faintly in the background.

It's much more obvious in other parts of the soundtrack. If it ever gets re-uploaded, I'll post it in this thread.

Four pages... 95% of which I had no idea about. Great work!

Cheers, colors. :)  If enough people like this I'll write similar features on the other movies. Though I doubt they contain anywhere near as many references as the 1989 film. Still, there should be something to say about each of them.

Does anyone else think the guy on the right is a tad overdressed?

Sort of reminds me of someone...

I doubt this was a deliberate reference, but it caught my eye when I rewatched B89 the other night.

They're both Warner Bros films, and they both of course feature Jack Nicholson in roles where he becomes increasingly crazy, so it might be more than a coincidence.
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

On the notice board behind Knox's desk is a picture of Popeye.

That's one I'd never spotted until recently.