Batman Morph Project

Started by Slash Man, Fri, 3 Oct 2014, 18:51

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So I found this cool project called Morpheus Photo Morpher, which allows two pictures to be morphed together through animation. I've experimented around with it using my favorite movies, here's what I've done with the whole Frankenstein series:

So naturally, why not Batman?

First one, Hugo Blick to Jack Nicholson:

For those wondering, this is the horrifying halfway point:

Great work Slash Man!  :)
Johnny Gobs got ripped and took a walk off a roof, alright? No big loss.

wow. you made hugo blick even creepier if that is possible. but it proves how perfect he was for young jack!

more more more!

i sort of just see it. but it's mostly you. lol.

Quote from: Silver Nemesis on Sun,  5 Oct  2014, 18:20
Is it just me, or...

Brings new meaning to "you made me"  :D

And thank you, johhnygobbs and Catwoman!

It's the eyebrows. Batman 89 had the most impressive eyebrow casting in movie history.





silver nemesis i've looked at your "is it just me" post with the pic of michael again and i see it too. really well.

and wow. the brows!

Oh yes, that was the most talented set of eyebrows to ever grace a motion picture

Quick and not perfect, did this one just for fun